Page 37 of Ronny

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Page 37 of Ronny


Olivia is out. She was asleep in seconds after I ate her out until she orgasmed twice from my mouth.

I know she would have had sex, but she is too sore to take me again and I get more pleasure from seeing her fall apart under my tongue than anything else.

She is beautiful, but the way she comes apart under me… she is a goddess. Her face is peaceful, a slight smile on her face.

The way I love her.

I love her to my fucking core.

The things I would do to protect her, to keep anything from touching her and hurting her.

It fucking affected me when I saw my aunt. I pretended it didn’t but she is someone who didn’t protect me and more importantly, she was failing her baby.

She never helped me, and my mom was an absolute shit to me, and now I have Madeline lying in the bassinet next to the bed.

My girl never once hesitated to give that angel a home in her heart, her face was fierce and she was ready to do whatever it took to protect that baby.

I hear a little whimper from her little bed. I’m over there to her in a few seconds before Olivia wakes up.

Madeline’s face is scrunched up. I lift her out of the bed, grabbing her bottle and formula on the way out to her nursey to change her.

The room has a soft glow from the lamp in the corner, and I note that she will need a crib and a changing table.

She settles in the crook of my arm. I could fit her in the palm of my hand because of how tiny she is.

I lay her gently on the bed and unwrap her from her little cocoon. “I know, it’s cold but I will hurry,” I try to soothe her, then change her diaper, applying her ointment again.

This angel will never have to sit in her own piss and waste ever again to the point that it burns and hurts her.

She will never have to know when her next meal will be, or if Mommy’s boyfriends are weirdos who like little kids. Or know a mom that would sell the clothes off her child’s back if it meant she could buy her drugs. My aunt loved men almost as much as her drugs.

Madeline will never know that life.

We are going to break the cycle of our generational curse.

I wrap her back up and she yawns, still angry. “Are you hungry, sweet girl?” I fix her bottle with one hand and settle into the rocking chair.

She latches on like I just didn’t feed her a couple of hours ago, and boy does she get pissed when I have to burp her halfway through, but she quietens the second I feed her again.

I yawn, getting sleepy myself, as her little eyes drift shut. I burp her one last time and grab the pacifier off the table. It’s been removed from its packaging and I know it was washed earlier with the bottles.

She stops whining and I sigh, rocking her back to sleep. Madeline is out within a minute. I carry her back to her little bed, pulling it closer to my side of our bed, and lay down before dragging Olivia to me.



Waking up to the smell of food, I groan and rub my still closed eyes. Ronny and I have taken turns getting up with baby Madeline all night. She was up every hour or two, and I know it’s partly because she is uncomfortable if she pees in her diaper and it causes her a lot of discomfort.

I think I want to go find her mom and have her sit in her own shit and pee for days and days until her skin breaks apart.

I reach over and feel to see if Ronny is next to me, but he is gone. The second she cried, he would practically jump out of bed to get to her.

I sit up and see if Madeline is in her bassinet but she’s not. I gather my hair in a bun at the top of my head since I know it’s a rat’s nest at this point from my rough night’s sleep.

Seeing her dirty bottles that need to be cleaned and sanitized, I grab those on the way down the stairs. Following the smell of the bacon.

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