Page 64 of Thorned Vengeance

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I push her out of my way and rush inside the restroom, intent on proving Mel wrong. Unfortunately, the bathroom is empty except for drops of blood on the floor and sink, as well as Delaney’s locket, which is draped over a faucet.

As I grab the necklace, I spin around to race outside and run into Abyss, who’s taking in the scene. His expression is dark and dangerous, mimicking the thoughts in my head.

“Where the fuck is she?” I snarl. “You were supposed to keep her safe!”

I shove past my brother and storm into the hall. Racing toward the exit, I don’t bother to see if the others are following. It doesn’t matter. My only thought is to find Delaney, and if I’m doing that on my own, so be it.

“Thorn, slow down,” Mark calls after me.

Ignoring him, I push open the door and step outside. The sun is bright, and it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust. I turn in a circle to take in my surroundings and look for Delaney. Again, I don’t spot her.

This can’t be happening.

“Try her cell,” Carmella suggests from behind me. “I’m sure she’s around somewhere.”

“Mine was taken from me when I was arrested,” I remind them. “We still have to pick up my stuff at the jail.”

Abyss removes his phone from his cut and dials before thrusting the device at me. “Use mine.”

I put it to my ear as it rings. She doesn’t pick up, but I can hear the ringtone she programmed in for my brothers. I hit redial to follow the sound when her voicemail picks up, and I do that until I reach a garbage can at the bottom of the steps in front of the courthouse.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Mark grumbles when he reaches inside the can and pulls out Delaney’s purse, her phone ringing from inside.

“He got her,” I seethe. “The Phantom got Delaney.”

“I’m calling Jez,” Carmella says, her cell tucked between her ear and shoulder while she snatches the purse from Mark to dig inside. “Hey, girl. Phantom’s got De.” She nods several times, responds in the affirmative at least twice, and then continues. “Yeah, thanks. Have your brother call us.” She disconnects the call and levels her gaze on me. “She’s on it, and Soul wi?—”

“There he is,” Abyss says when his phone rings. He answers and puts the call on speaker. “Yo, Pres, we’ve got a situation.”

“I heard.”

“Great,” I snap. “You heard. Now what?”

“Breathe, Thorn,” Soul encourages. “We’re gonna get your girl.”


“Jez is working on tracking the Phantom, but she thinks his laptop is off right now. He’ll have to turn it on sometimes, and we’ll get him then.”

“And while we twiddle our fucking thumbs, what is he gonna do to Delaney?” I ask, my fear tasting like acid in my mouth.

“All of you get to the clubhouse, and we’ll put our heads together,” Soul instructs. “We’ll get her, Thorn. I promise.”

I hear his words, and a sharp retort is on the tip of my tongue, but I keep it to myself.

Don’t make promises you can’t fucking keep.




Groaning, I slowly pry my eyes open. There isn’t anything to see though, because wherever I am, it’s pitch black. Movement underneath me intensifies the stabbing pain in my forehead. The faint sound of tires screeching reaches my ears before my body is thrown against something hard.

A trunk? How the hell did I end up in a trunk?

I inhale deeply through my nose and exhale through my mouth, trying to avoid retching all over. The hard hit did nothing to help the pounding in my head. Something gooey causes my hair to stick to my face, and I lift my hand to brush the strands behind my ear only to find my wrists bound with a zip tie. My feet are also bound. The smell of copper hits my nose, and once again, I fight back the bile. I hiss when my fingers brush across a knot on the base of my hairline.

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