Page 65 of Thorned Vengeance

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Memories begin to surface as I try to piece together how I got here. I remember being at the courthouse and waiting with the others for Thorn’s case to be called, but specifics are still fuzzy. I squint as more images flash in my mind… The bailiff opening the door, me saying I was going to the bathroom, and Carmella’s words as I pushed open the restroom door.

“Hurry, I’d hate for you to miss all the fun.”

The door closes behind me, and I cross to the sink to gather myself before the arraignment begins. Splashing water on my face, I give myself a pep talk about being strong for Thorn and trusting his friends.

Knock, knock.

“Maintenance,” a deep voice hollers. “Anyone in there?”

“Be out in a minute.” I glance around, noting all the stalls are empty. “I’m the last one.”

I take one more deep breath when someone rushes toward me. Pain erupts in my face then… nothing.

I slowly twist onto my side being, extra cautious of my injuries. My muscles don’t want to cooperate because stiffness has settled in, and it takes a moment to get the feeling back in my arms.

For once in my life, it pays to be tiny. I lift my legs as high as I can, which is limited since I’m in a trunk, and then my arms to get the blood circulating again. I don’t know what I’ll be facing once whoever has me lets me out, but I can’t fight them and paresthesia at the same time.

Every little jerk leaves me withering in pain, but I muster through somehow. Carefully, I feel around the edge of the trunk to try to find my purse or a weapon of some kind. It’s just my luck that the trunk is empty except for my bruised body. Whoever took me must’ve left my bag behind. This sucks because I could really use my comb knife right now.

It seems like we’ve been driving forever when the car begins to slow down, and the road becomes more uneven. My little frame feels every bump and dip. I grit my teeth as we hit one last pothole before the vehicle comes to a complete stop.

I squint when the trunk is opened, and I blink rapidly to adjust to the sudden change in light. The sun is fading over the horizon, but I raise my hands to shield my watering eyes anyway. Compared to the darkness I was immersed in, this is a blazing inferno. A shadow steps in front of me, blocking the offending sphere.

“We meet again, Delaney,” a deep voice sneers.

Everything clicks together as soon as my vision clears: Daphne’s murder, the woman being attacked in Nashville, and the memory of a tall dark-haired man shoving my face into the bathroom mirror.

“You!” I scream.

The Phantom laughs menacingly. “It’s time to play, Delaney.”

He wrenches my arms forward, pulling me through the opening. The Phantom bends over and yanks me out of the vehicle before tossing me over his shoulder. He rounds the car, and a farmhouse comes into view. Twisting, I try to take in my surroundings, but I recognize nothing. And I have no way for Thorn or the club to track me. Hell, I don’t even know if Thorn got out of jail.

It’s up to me to save myself.

Game on mother fucker!


“Gimme a minute.”

I force a smile as Mrs. Gruber turns and walks deeper into the house. Coming here is a stroke of genius if I do say so myself. Granted, leaving Delaney at the other location was risky, but I couldn’t take the chance that she’d ruin this for me. I made sure she was secure before I left so it should be fine.

Voices reach me, and I listen closely as Kyle’s father tells his mother not to give out their son’s contact info. There’s some quiet arguing, and then Mrs. Gruber returns to the door.

“Here you go,” she says as she hands me a piece of paper. “This is Kyle’s cell number.”

“Thank you very much,” I reply, shoving the paper in my pocket. “I haven’t talked to him in a long time, and I’ll be up in his neck of the woods soon so I wanted to see if we can meet for a drink.”

She nods. “Glad I could help.”

Ten minutes later, I’m pushing through the back door of the abandoned house.

“Honey, I’m home,” I call out, taunting my captive.

“Fuck you!” she shouts from the bedroom upstairs.

“Oh, we’re getting to that,” I mutter under my breath.

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