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Unexpectedly, I spot my brother walking with the coach instead of his usual companions, the team owner and directors. He greets the players warmly, offering handshakes and words of gratitude. As the CEO of one of our sponsor companies, he plays a crucial role in keeping the team running for another season.

When Ryan approaches, Senna is busy playing tag with his friends, and Amanda is still by my side, watching with interest.

Ryan greets me energetically. “Great game, dude,” he says. “Hello, Amanda!”

“Hello, Ryan,” she replies with a small smile. “Did you come to watch the game?”

He rubs his wrist against his sweater, as if polishing an apple. “I did, but I am here to see Mia.”

I give him a sidelong glance. Amanda covers her mouth in surprise, then excuses herself to go watch Senna.

“She mentioned you’ve been talking…” I stand in front of him, arms crossed.

“She said you’re okay with it.” Ryan instinctively raises both hands in front of his chest to defend himself.

“Yeah, it’s fine.” I tap his shoulder reassuringly. “Let me take my skates off then I’ll take you to her. I’ll be right back.”

He looks uncomfortable but nods and waits anyway. He’s still there when I come out of the locker room.

“What’s so important that you had to come talk to her in person?” I ask sharply.

“Mia said she had something important to talk to me about.”

My eyes narrow. I’ve sensed that Amanda knows something I don’t, but I haven’t pressed her for details, trusting Mia would share in time.

But now, it seems like Mia has come to her ex-boyfriend, apparently planning to tell him the secret first, leaving me in the dark.

“So, I am going to be the last one to know this secret of hers, huh?” I belt out, frustration evident in my voice.

“Ethan, I swear I have no idea what’s going on!” Ryan maintains a defensive posture.

I shake my head and wave my hands, keeping my expression as neutral as possible. “If anyone owes an explanation here, it’s Mia.”

I lead Ryan to the wives’ room, where Mia is standing, her eyes glued to the sports commentators on the screen.

“Mia?” My tone startles her. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Ryan with an apologetic look on his face.

“Hi Ethan, hi Ryan!” Mia greets us, arms crossed over her chest. “How can I help you?”

“What’s this about you having a ‘very important thing’ to tell Ryan?” I inquire. “Is it the same thing you need to tell me?”

Mia’s face pales slightly, and she looks at me with a mixture of surprise and unease. Ryan steps closer, his curiosity piqued.

Composing herself, she lets out a sigh and shakes her head. “No, it’s not. I just wanted to clear the air with Ryan about our friendship,” Mia starts, her voice shaky. “You know, set some boundaries and make sure we’re on the same page.”

Frustrated, I take in her words, running a hand through my hair. Sighing I reply, “Mia, I’ve been waiting for you to explain what’s been on your mind. Can you please tell me what’s been troubling you so much?”

She brings my hand to her chest, and I can feel her heartbeat. It’s racing, and I patiently wait for her answer.

With a final, deep breath, she meets my eyes with a look of raw vulnerability. “Ethan,” she begins, her voice breaking. “I’ve been struggling with how to tell you this.”

A beat of silence stretches as her eyes well with tears. “I’m pregnant, Ethan.”

Her words hit me like a shockwave. Ryan’s eyes widen, his jaw dropping in stunned disbelief.

I remain silent for a long moment, finally breaking the tension with a question. “How long?”

“Eight weeks,” she admits, looking embarrassed.

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