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Later, as we’re heading home, I call Mia to check on her. “Hey, how’s my favorite workaholic doing?”

She laughs softly. “Hey, Ethan. I’m okay, just wrapping up some last-minute details for the next event. How was practice?”

“Good. Scored a few goals, made Coach happy. But I’ve been thinking about you. You sure you don’t want to take a break? Maybe a mini-vacation or something?”

Mia sighs. “I know you’re worried, but I’m fine. Really. Just a little under the weather. I’ll be okay.”

“I know you will,” I say, trying to keep my tone light. “Just promise me you’ll take it easy, okay? You don’t have to conquer the world all in one day.”

She chuckles. “I promise. And thank you, Ethan. For everything.”

We say our goodbyes, and I hang up, feeling a mix of concern and admiration for her. She’s incredible, and I’m lucky to have her in my life.

As I tuck Senna into bed later that night, I think about the future. About Mia and me, and what we could build together. It’s a comforting thought, and it makes me feel more determined than ever to make sure she’s taken care of.

Life’s pretty damn good right now, and I’m going to do everything I can to keep it that way.

Chapter Seventeen


It’s been several weeks since Ethan and I decided to start seeing each other, and most days it feels as if I’m walking on cloud nine.

Work is tough, traveling is tough, but Ethan makes everything better.

He usually waits for me until closing time, and our outings often end up in his room.

I’ve discovered that I wake much earlier, so I usually return to my room to sleep.

My morning routine has been disrupted by stomach queasiness lately, enough to make me throw up as soon as I’m awake, and the motion of my footsteps makes my head go dizzy.

I brush my teeth and gargle mouthwash for good measure, but I still feel miserable. Every time this happens, I feel like calling my mom, but I never do because I know she’ll worry over nothing. This is probably just a short-lived virus I got from one of the kids or from traveling so much.

Still, I better see a doctor just in case I have something contagious, I call Simon, my second in command on this trip and a reliable colleague who’s been with me for years. Simon is meticulous and dependable, always stepping up when needed, which isn’t often since I rarely ever take time off. I ask him to fill in for me until I get back this afternoon.

He agrees and urges me to take more time off, but I brush it off, assuring him I will be back as soon as I can.

I look for the closest urgent care, then call a car for a ride to the address. It’s not far and soon I’m in the waiting room.

Everything is white and blue. I check in and am told my name will be called soon. A sign on the wall asking for silence and nothing else, so I shut down my phone and wait for my turn.

The waiting room is nearly empty, just me and a quiet older gentleman with his hands crossed over his stomach, his head hanging low, eyes closed. When he starts to snore, I hold back laughter, realizing that he has fallen asleep on his seat.

“Mr. Fergusson?” a young man in pristine white scrubs calls out, and the older gentleman startles awake, stands, and walks towards him.

Soon after that, another man, slightly older, opens the door and calls out, “Miss Sanders?”

I nod with a forced smile and stand.

“Come with me,” he says, waving me inside.

I follow him to a spacious office in the corner of the building.

“Miss Sanders, I’m Doctor Heron,” he says politely. “What brings you here?”

I take a seat and pull the chair slightly closer to the desk. I’m shy around doctors. Even though I know they’re a force for good, all the prying and probing always feels awkward.

“I’ve been waking up feeling sick, doctor,” I start, flushed red. “It started a week ago, but for the past three days, I’ve been vomiting too. I think with all the travel and sleepless nights lately, I’ve picked up a bug.”

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