Page 7 of Kintolf Rising

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Quiet, Tekil growls at Zeno, temporarily silencing him.

Andred’s lips curl into a smile; or perhaps it is a sneer.

“I see you still act as superior as ever,” Andred mocks.

But he does not care; Andred’s hostile envy for anyone from the Ruling Quad is well known by everyone on Kintuke.

And then Andred’s eyes slide over Tekil’s shoulder, making his shoulders tense. Something… unexplainable…sparks his protective instincts, making him more volatile. Then his gaze rakes over Andred’s perfectly transformed natural form and he deflates on the inside.

You are a hideous, failed experiment that no female will ever find attractive, he reminds himself, his spirits sinking further when not even his own team tries to reassure him otherwise.

Still, just the thought of Andred that close to the female sets his animal on edge. The fact that Tekil has an animal lurking on the inside—demanding certain things—rankles his very being.

And right now, his animal is demanding that he keep her away from Andred; Tekil himself concurs. Andred has no regard for anyone but himself, and if he can use the female to hurt him, he will do so gladly.

Just kill him and be done with it! Vi’del snaps.

Tekil clamps down on his temper. Both members of his team have embraced their animals—their ruthless sides—and would kill Andred without hesitation. Tekil on the other hand refuses to let go of reason and thought, but finds himself constantly fighting a never-ending internal battle of three against one: his animal, Zeno, and Vi’del against Tekil’s Kintue self.

Tekil knows the instant the female steps up behind him. His entire body bristles with the need to keep her out of Andred’s line of vision.

He shifts his weight, blocking her from his opponent’s view.

Andred smiles menacingly as he notes the protective stance. “Is this a challenge?”

“No,” Tekil replies firmly, hoping he sounds believable. There are more important matters at hand, like rescuing the others.

But the gleam of volatile amusement in Andred’s eye says he has taken it as such; Tekil sighs loudly, not wanting to participate in Andred’s games. Still, Tekil knows he must be hypervigilant without the help of his team to protect the female.

“Any idea how we are getting away from here, and back to Kintuke?” Andred asks in a deceptively casual tone.

“None readily comes to mind. You?”


“Do you remember how they captured you?”

Andred shakes his head. “One minute I’m in my living area, and the next I wake up in a cage.”

The female steps around Tekil, making him tense further. “We need to come up with a plan.”

Andred scoffs. “You think?”

Another low growl rumbles from Tekil’s throat, aimed at the irritating male, but she ignores it and pats his shoulder.

“No need to be a smartass!” she retorts at Andred.

Tekil’s lips twitch, enjoying her sassiness.

Andred cocks his head to the side. “And just who are you?”

What did she call herself? Ah, yes, Myla. How did a Human manage to get this far into the galaxy? Tekil wonders. They normally keep to the Tri-sectors—more specifically, the Skau Space Station...

“Myla.” She wipes a bead of sweat from her forehead. The sprinkle of brown dots across her cheeks are turning red.

“Myla,” Andred repeats silkily. “How did you manage to get this far away from the Skau Space Station?”

She shrugs. “Vacation.”

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