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“How bad is it?” he asked me.

“The blonde got off one shot before I killed them both,” Keavy answered as she let me pull the guns from her hands.

“Call Lochlan,” I ordered. “Tell him to get here yesterday.”

Doing my bidding, Noah pulled out his phone, but then said, “The service is spotty as fuck.”

“Inna give a feck,” I snapped. “Go outside if ye have ta.”

Seeing no point in fighting it anymore, Keavy slid down the wall, and I could only imagine how badly her shoulder was burning. The fact that she was even still standing was impressive, considering how much blood was on her shirt. Having been shot before, I knew how painful it was.

“Baby, what happened?” I asked as Brody and Tearney started searching the dead bodies.

“Who are they?” she asked, instead of answering me.

“The blonde one is Tearney, and the one with the white hair is Brody,” I answered evenly.

Keavy looked back over at me, then asked, “What are you doing here?”

Ignoring that, I asked, “Are you shot anywhere else?”

She shook her head. “No. They only got one shot off.”

Before I could say anything to that, Noah was back. “He’s on his way,” he said. “He said to apply pressure to the wound.”

“I already did that,” she informed him. “But…I don’t think I did a good job.”

I took Keavy’s face in my hands, and I could feel my entire body shaking with rage and fear at how pale she looked. “Yer no’ gonna die on me, lass,” I bit out. “Ye got tha?”

“I’m not sure that either of us have any say in that, Declan,” she smirked, her voice tired.

“She’s got a point,” Noah chimed in. “Lochlan also said to lay her down. The body puts in less effort when its relaxed.”

“I’ve got a Brian Jones,” Tearney remarked to no one in particular.

“This dead guy is Adrian Franks,” Brody added.

“Who are they?” I asked as I scooped Keavy up off the floor. “What were they doing here?”

“They were here to rob the place,” she answered before letting out a shuttered sigh. I knew that she was fading, and I could only pray that Lochlan got here in time.

“Try again,” Noah said as he and the others followed us towards the couch. “The place looks abandoned from the outside.”

Keavy shot Noah a withering look. “I’m not lying,” she snapped. “When I confronted them, they said that Klive had told them to only take what they could sell.” At the mention of Klive’s name, we all stiffened. “What? What’s wrong?”

I laid Keavy carefully on the couch before asking, “Are you sure that they said Klive?”

She nodded. “That’s what they said.”

“Do you think they could have a place out here?” Noah asked. “I mean, why else would they be way in the fuck out here?”

“There isn’t a house for miles,” Keavy said, still eyeing us warily. “If anyone is staying out here, then their camping at the sites or in the forest itself.” My heart skipped a beat as she let out another tired sigh. “If they made their way here, I’d say it was by accident.”

“No one ends up out here by accident,” I remarked. “This place is too fucking hard to find, Keavy. It’s nearly impossible to randomly stagger upon the place.”

“Well, then…” She drew in another ragged breath. “Then I don’t know what to tell you. They were here to rob the place, and I have no reason to believe otherwise.”

Eyeing her, I asked, “Do you have any more first aid supplies?”

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