Page 63 of Beau

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“He knows you won’t do anything in here.”

“We can go outside if he wants.”

Brenna laughed. “Please, he’d back down in a heartbeat.”

Beau chuckled along with her. “You’re probably right.”

“They act like we’re the ones who did something wrong.”

“I’d love the chance to punch him. Not because he slept with my wife, but because he was supposed to be a friend and I trusted him. Both of them would just look us in the eye and lie. I despise liars.”

“I know, Beau. But we have each other now, right?” She gazed into his eyes, searching for any trace of doubt.

“Yes, we do,” he confirmed.

“Then let’s just ignore them.”

“Okay. But if he ever speaks to me, I won’t hesitate to shut him up.”

Brenna couldn’t help but ask, “Are you really over Liz?”

Beau looked at her with surprise. “Why would you even ask that? Of course, I am.”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “You just seem so upset with him.”

He paused before responding, “Tell me you aren’t still angry at Liz.”

Brenna let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, I see your point. I’m not a violent person, but I could definitely slap her and feel good about it.”

Beau chuckled in agreement. “That’s exactly how I feel.”

When the song ended, they returned to their table and ordered more drinks. An hour later, Grant and Kay took the stage and the crowd cheered as they started singing together.

“I want to get in this line dance,” Brenna said excitedly as she got to her feet.

“Me too,” Jessa chimed in and stood up as well.

They joined in on the dance and had fun until Brenna noticed Liz getting in line next to her. She ignored her and focused on dancing. After the song ended, she returned to her seat next to Beau.

“Did she say anything to you?” he asked cautiously.

“Nope, and if she had, I think I might have thrown a punch.”

Beau chuckled again and said jokingly, “Go for it.”

Brenna couldn’t help but laugh. “I’d end up in jail.”

“Nah, you know Sam well enough. I’m sure he’d let it slide… at least once,” Beau replied with a smirk on his face.

“I’m sure.”

They stayed a little longer then when she saw Beau trying to hide a yawn, she touched his hand, making him look at her.

“If you want to leave, we can. You look tired.”

“I’m beat. Since I was out of the office for two days, I had a lot catching up to do.”

“Then let’s go.”

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