Page 51 of Beau

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“They believe it gives them power and popularity. As a teacher, I understand how children can be influenced to do things they think will make them popular.” She shook her head in disappointment. “They don’t realize that this behavior won’t change anything and will only earn them a negative label as a rustler or thief. Since the school is all grades, I see it every day.”

“I hate the thought that it’s going to continue, and it will take the department away from actual rustling. We have to check out every case, but if kids keep doing this, we could miss the real rustlers. Plus, they could get hurt. Any rancher or farmer has the right to defend their land and livestock, and they’ll do it in any way they can.”

“And the kids have no idea they could be shot or worse.” Brenna shook her head.

“I’ll talk to the kid again tomorrow, but I wanted him to stay in juvie for the weekend to get a taste of what could come.”

“Can you tell me his name?”

“Donnie Simpson.”

“Oh, say no more. That boy is trouble with a capital T. His teacher has expressed many times that he’s hard to handle. His family is rich, so he feels he’s privileged. Who are the other two?”

“Timmy Matthews and Shelby Jones.”

“Really? Those two never cause problems. I suppose Donnie suckered them in and they wanted to do whatever he asked.” She shook her head.

“Is Simpson a popular kid?”

“He’s popular for causing trouble.”

“Well, I’ll talk with him tomorrow. If he won’t tell me where the horse is, I’ll make sure he gets a long sentence.”

“You can do that?”

“Yes. At his hearing, I’ll testify against him. He can’t see how much trouble he’s in. I think the other two will likely get probation, but Simpson won’t.”

“It’s a shame. I hope he talks. My parents want the horse back.”

“I’ll do what I can.”

“I know.” She snuggled against him.

“He actually punched me. I told him if he told me where the horse was, I’d drop the charge of hitting a law enforcement officer. He didn’t care.”

“That right there shows you he has no respect for anyone with authority.”


Beau wrapped his arms around her and held her while they watched TV. He hated to see today end because he knew she’d have to leave soon. They both had to work tomorrow, and he knew she had to go home to prepare for her workday. But for now, he was content to just hold her.


Brenna let out a groan as she was woken up by the blaring alarm clock. She slammed her hand down on the snooze button and reluctantly climbed out of bed. She had stayed up late with Beau last night before heading home and was exhausted. She knew he would be too.

As she got ready for school in the bathroom, she couldn’t help but yawn. Today was going to be filled with tests, which always made the kids unhappy. But Brenna believed in keeping their minds sharp with surprise quizzes. They were smart students, she thought proudly.

Sitting at her desk during the test, she watched as the kids focused intently on their work. This one was for writing skills, followed by a math test. Despite their initial groaning, they got to work once the papers were handed out.

She wondered if Beau had talked to Donnie Simpson yet. The whole school was buzzing about his arrest. Surprisingly, Timmy and Shelby were in class today. She picked up her phone and sent Beau a text.

Are Timmy and Shelby being charged?

Yes, but they’re on probation and will do community service. Simpson is in juvie and won’t be attending school.

Have you talked to him?

I’ll talk to him this evening. I’m on another case right now.

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