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The more he talks, the more I can’t believe it. I think my heart has stopped inside my chest, too stunned at what I’m seeing and hearing to continue beating.

“Max can take the house in the city,” Silus goes on. “Oh, and I also arranged for your mother to stay a while at a local rehab facility once she gets out. I know you said you and your brother wanted to help her, but as much as you two might love her, let’s leave that to the professionals, okay?”

“Okay,” I whisper, but the way I say it makes it sound like two words. It’s all so much to comprehend, so much to take in, my head feels like it’s going to explode. One last kidnapping to bring me here and show me our future?

Who knew a mafia boss could be sweet?

Silus lets me go, and I stumble toward the house, to the front porch. I lean on one of the bigger supports as I hear Silus come up behind me, and I shake my head and mutter, “This can’t be real.” I don’t think it’s outrageous for me to be in denial. I mean… it’s unreal, isn’t it?

“Oh, but it is,” Silus tells me, and I can practically hear the grin on his face. “I might not be able to take you to the moon, Thea, but this? I can give you this.”

I turn away from the tall beam of wood and meet Silus’s dark gaze. The way he’s looking at me… it’s like I’m his everything. Like the world has shifted for him, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t change for me as well.

I’m struck then, just how weirdly wonderful this all is. Who could have ever predicted in the beginning that Max’s plan would end up like this?

How is this my life?

“You said,” I pause as I take a teeny step toward him, “that we can make this place ours. Does that mean you’re going to live here with me? Can you handle that?”

The smirk Silus gives me makes my stomach flip. “Can I handle living with you or can I handle being this far out in the boonies?” He glances around us, pausing for what must be dramatic effect. “The boonies part is going to take some getting used to, but I think I’ve proven by now that I can, in fact, live with you.” Wearing that pitch-black suit, looking absolutely devilish, he’s not the kind of man you’d imagine living in a house like this.

“You’re aware—” I reach for his black tie and pull it out of his suit, rubbing the bottom of it between two fingers. “—if you get mad at me, you can’t lock me up in a room—”

“No, I can’t,” Silus agrees. He reaches for me, wraps his arms around me, and hoists me up so my face is near his without the need for him to bend over to extreme lengths. That’s what he gets for being well over six feet tall.

“But,” he muses as he nips my bottom lip and draws out a giggle from me, “I can tie you to the bed and do unspeakable things to you without worrying about anyone walking in on us. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like fucking heaven.” His mouth crashes on mine, stealing a hard, passionate kiss.

Tie me to the bed and do unspeakable things to me? That does sound fun. The man might know how to throw a party after all.

In between kisses, Silus murmurs, “I was going to cook you dinner in our new house, but I think we might have to postpone that so I can show you the bedroom, first.”

I nod once. “Bedroom, now.” I wrap my legs around the man’s torso and hook my arms behind his neck, hanging onto him like a spider monkey as he walks so he can get the door without dropping me.

As he carries me to the front door and into the house, I don’t look around at all. The only thing I’m focused on is the man wearing the hungry, serious look on his face. I kiss his neck as he carries me up the stairs to the second floor, my body humming with need.

If this is what the rest of our life will look like, then I’m going to hold on as tightly as I can.

Chapter Twenty-Six – Silus

When Thea starts kissing my neck, I have some serious doubts that I’ll make it to the bedroom. Feeling those soft lips on the crook of my neck ignites a fire deep within me that only she can put out, not to mention make my cock hard. Walking up the creaky wooden stairs is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life—and that includes agreeing to a temporary truce with Cormac O’Connor.

We’ll see how it goes. I’m still pretty pissed at his kidnapping of Thea. That isn’t something a man like me can get over, not when the girl in question is everything.

And she is. Thea Hill is everything to me. I never could have known the night she sauntered over to me and asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend that we’d end up like this—after a few bouts of kidnapping, of course. I will never, ever let this girl go.

She’s mine. My everything. My fiancé. My future wife.

The old owner left some of her furniture in the house; I offered to buy some of it, and since she was pushing seventy and ready to move somewhere closer to her kids, she was more than willing to part with it. The furniture set in the bedroom is old, but the mattress and sheets on the bed are all new.

I drop Thea on the bed, and the girl bounces on the mattress, a sultry look on her face as she gazes up at me, begging me to crawl on that bed with her. Before I do, though, I need to take off my clothes. Thea works on hers while I undress, and soon enough we’re beneath the sheets, both of us utterly naked, our bodies instantly entwined.

I can’t get enough of her. It’s like she’s my own personal drug. A twist of fate brought us together—see: her brother’s stupid plan—and I won’t waste a perfectly good twist of fate. I won’t ever let her go. She’s mine.

Grabbing her wrists, I pin them down over her head before lowering my mouth to hers to taste her again. Her legs are spread beneath me, tempting me with that tight, wet cunt at their apex. Thea moans into the kiss, her body writhing under mine, her chest heaving against mine with every flutter of her perky tits.

I slowly work my way down her body, taking care to shower every part of her with a ridiculous amount of affection. From her lips, I go to her neck next, then her collarbone and her tits. I make my way down her stomach, my mouth leaving a trail of ravenous kisses before I settle between her spread legs.

The sound Thea makes when my mouth collides with her causes my cock to twitch. I run my tongue along her slick, pink folds before focusing on her clit. By now, I know exactly what Thea likes, how fast to go, how to push her over the edge with unmatched speed. Every part of her body has become attuned to me, a slave to my commands.

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