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No, no. Nothing’s wrong. This sounds like a perfectly normal thing for a guy like him to do for a girl like me after kidnapping me in revenge. One hundred percent normal. Not out of the ordinary at all.

No matter how many times I tell that to myself in my head, I still can’t wrap my mind around it, so I blurt out, “Is this a date?”

It’s so far-fetched to me, mostly because the first night Silus had me on my knees for him and then it was like a ghost-town where that’s concerned. I kind of thought he’d be bending me over every which way each chance he got—and with the way my body reacted to his that first night, I probably would’ve been okay with it.

But a date? That’s kind of crossing the line.

“Don’t sound so aghast,” he tells me as he sets a hand on my knee. Thankfully, the dress is long enough to cover my knees, so it’s not his hand on bare skin, but even so, I can feel his warmth through the fabric of the dress. “It won’t be so bad.”

I force out a chuckle. “You know, I’m sure you don’t have to kidnap someone in order to go on a date with them. Aren’t there, I don’t know, other women you’d like to date?”

“No.” His answer comes swiftly.

“I find that hard to believe,” I say dryly. “You’re probably the most eligible bachelor in the city. You could have your pick. Kidnapping me and my brother to get back at us for trying to ransom you off to Cormac, fine. Makes sense, I guess, but taking me out on a date? That’s just… stupid.”

Silus leans into me as he whispers, “Would you rather me chain you to the bed and fuck you whenever I want? Take your clothes and leave you with nothing so you’re always bared and ready for me?”

An awkward, slightly uneasy sound escapes me, and it takes me a long time to say, “Uh, no?” But it comes out like a question, and it makes me lose all my credibility. It sounds like that’s exactly what I want—but it’s not.

Hell no.



Silus sweeps my hair off my shoulder and then runs a single finger along my jaw. It takes every ounce of restraint in me to not look away from his intense expression, even after he whispers, “Are you sure? You don’t sound too confident. If that’s what you’d rather me do, then I’ll have my driver turn us around. I’ll drag you out of this car myself, toss you over my shoulder, and return you to your room, where I will then tear off that beautiful dress and fuck you raw.”

My mouth falls open, and I stutter out, “How can you… how the hell can you just say that like it’s no big deal?” Seriously, he’s so off-handed about it, like he’s talking about the forecasted weather and not, you know, fucking me freaking raw.

“Let me bring you in on a secret,” Silus goes on, now running the backs of his fingers down my arm, so gently the slight touch brings forth goosebumps on my skin. He leans in closer, stopping only when his mouth grazes my ear. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot, especially after I got a taste of that mouth and that sweet, tight cunt. It has been near torture keeping myself away from you these last two weeks. Do you know why I stopped myself, Thea?”

I’m too busy wrestling with the way my thighs automatically clench when I think back to that night to respond.

“It’s because I knew if I did, if I took what I want from you—” The hand dancing along my arm raises to my neck, and I fight the gasp that tries to come out when his fingers curl around my throat and force me to turn my head and gaze into his pitch-black eyes. “—I feared I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. That you would consume me and I, in turn, would need to consume you.”

“So you’re taking me to dinner instead?”

“It is… a selfish reason, I’ll admit. Seeing you in that dress, taking you out—it makes me feel less like a monster.”

I swallow, and the action reminds me his hand is still around my neck. “A monster?”

Silus nods as he breathes out, “Yes. It’s been long enough, I think. I’ve held back, let you get acquainted with your situation. I’m taking you out to dinner to get to know you a little more.” The corners of his mouth quirk in a devilish grin. “And then, when we return home, I’m going to bring you to my bedroom, where I will proceed to take that dress off you and make you lose your mind before I lose myself in you.”

Oh, God. He can’t be serious, can he? This has to be some kind of joke. He’s not taking me out just so he can fuck me later, is he? That’s some twisted king of logic.

Maybe he takes my silence as confusion, because he clarifies, just so we’re all on the same page: “I’m going to fuck you tonight, love, but before I do I’m going to have you begging for it. Begging me. And I bet, now that I’m telling you all this, you’re going to think about it all throughout dinner, and by the time we get home you’ll be dripping wet in anticipation of the things I’m going to do to you.”

I want to laugh in his face and tell him he’s dead wrong, that him telling me all that definitely isn’t going to make my mind wander, but given the fact that his hand is still around my neck and my thighs are already squeezing together, it’s a half-hearted response on my part.

What do I end up saying? “You’re stupid.”

Yeah. I tell him he’s stupid like we’re in second grade or something and that’s the best comeback I can think of. I know, I know, it’s pathetic—something he finds amusing too, because he laughs after I say it and he pulls his hand off my neck.

Come on. I have some restraint. I can think of other things during dinner besides the man next to me proving himself to be a sex god.

By the time we pull up to the restaurant, my willpower is already wavering.

Chapter Thirteen – Thea

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