Page 81 of Our Little Secret

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“Me!?” she exclaims while still keeping her voice low. “He said like three sentences and they were to you!”

“He was so nervous and kept looking at you. Oh my god.” I blow out a breath. “Phew, the tin man has a heart. Go figure,” I joke and she’s still staring at me with a stunned expression like she doesn’t quite believe me. “Do you want to go out for a drink tonight? I’ll invite Christine too, so I can catch up on everything I’ve missed and we can give you the lay of the land in the office.”

I’m back at the office after my lunch with Marissa ran almost two hours longer than it was supposed to and within minutes of me sitting down at my desk, Beck is coming through my office door looking distressed and almost nervous. He’s usually pretty calm and collected so his demeanor seems out of left field. He drops to my couch and rubs a hand over his chest. “I fucked up.”

I frown because Wes Beckham rarely fucks up. He’s good at everything to the point it’s almost annoying. “How so?”

“My new assistant.” He pinches the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses in the process before he pulls them off and tosses them on my coffee table.

“Oh god, what’s wrong with this one? I swear Beck, you need to find someone you can tolerate. You’ve gone through, what, four assistants in the last month? Make it work. I’m beginning to think you’re the problem.” I guess I got lucky with Christine because the turnover rate of Beck’s assistants is fucking insane.

“Fuck off,” he grits out. “It’s not…that.” He runs a hand through his hair and I notice his leg bouncing slightly. “She’s incredible.”

“Holy shit.” I can’t stop the chuckle from leaving my lips. “Are you…into her?”

“She’s been here three fucking days and I can’t stop thinking about her. You know I was actually late getting on a call because I was in the copy room because she was there and I just wanted a reason to talk to her?” He gets up off the couch and begins to pace the length of my office. “One look at her and I’m a fucking goner. No concept of time or anything.” He doesn’t say anything for a second before he turns to me. “I think I black out every time I talk to her.”

I chuckle thinking about my best friend who always has it together and is in control of every situation tied up in knots over his assistant. “This is Theo Graham’s daughter, right?” I was shocked when I saw that the daughter of an ex-NFL football star had applied to work here and even more surprised that Wes had hired her. She’s younger than his usual assistants and has little to no experience, but now I’m starting to see why he might have given her the job.

“Raegan,” he corrects and I nod. “She looks so gorgeous today.” He stares at the door before turning back to me. “She’s wearing this blue dress and it brings out the color of her eyes and…I know how crazy I sound.”

I smile because it’s the same way I think about Marissa. “No, you don’t sound crazy. I’m actually happy for you because you haven’t really been interested in anyone since you broke things off with Hannah.”

He shakes his head. “This intense attraction I feel? I didn’t even feel this way about Hannah.” He clears his throat and shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have hired her.”

“Why not?”

He shoots me a look. “Because I want to ask her out and I can’t? I’ll bet she has a boyfriend. There’s no way she can’t. She’s fucking stunning and smart and charming and her fucking smile…” He trails off. “Liam Patterson is already up under her all the time and it’s pissing me off.”

“Sounds about right. He does love to fuck the new hires,” I joke and he glares at me.

“You know, once upon a time, you were sleeping with our subordinates too. You’re the reason we even drafted the first fraternization policy if I recall.”

There was a time I did sleep with women who worked for us, but I haven’t since I met Marissa. He knows that even if he doesn’t know that it’s Marissa. “You know I haven’t done that in years.” I haven’t explicitly stated that I haven’t fucked anyone since the girl at Owen’s wedding, but I haven’t told him I have either and the thought that I’ve never told Wes about Marissa sends a wave of guilt through me. For a moment I consider it, but I should probably talk to Marissa about it first.

“Besides, what if she doesn’t have a boyfriend? And she has a crush on you too?”

He shakes his head. “I can’t pursue her. I just signed off on an updated policy that Dana put together.”

“Oh?” I ask because I hadn’t heard about this and this could very well make things even harder for Marissa and me.

“I haven’t felt like this in a while. Maybe ever.” He scratches his jaw and while I want to circle back to the updated rules, I decide to just look them up myself later. “When she looks at me…fuck.”

“Damn.” I chuckle. “You already have it bad.”

“Since the second she walked into my office.” He picks his glasses up off the coffee table and slides them onto his face. “I’ll get over it though. I have to. I mean…I can’t have her, right?”

The sound of my elevator dings and Marissa walks through the door wearing a jacket that stops mid-thigh. I raise an eyebrow at her because it’s May and there’s not a need for a jacket unless she’s naked underneath which I suspect she could be.

“I ordered in for dinner. It should be here in an hour,” I tell her as she wheels a small suitcase behind her and sets it in the corner.

“Really? Because I brought dinner also.” She giggles as she pulls at the belt holding the jacket together revealing her in nothing but a sheer white thong.

“Goddamn,” I grit out. “You are so sexy.” I lick my lips as I move towards her and when I’m within arm’s reach of her, I grab the waistband of her underwear and pull her towards me. She comes to me with ease as a squeal leaves her lips and when she’s pressed up against me, I run my hand down her back to cup her bare ass. “It’s been so long since I’ve been inside you…I can’t wait another fucking second without tasting your cunt.”

She runs her hand down the length of my body and cups my dick, “Well, considering you’re the last person that’s had their mouth on it, I’d say I can’t wait another second either.”

The fact that I’m the last person that’s touched her makes my dick even harder. I push her against the wall and tilt her chin up to look at me. “In the spirit of transparency, you’re the last woman that’s touched my dick.”

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