Page 80 of Our Little Secret

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“And imagine if you had! You’ve already got some work to do because my dad is still confused as to why he didn’t meet you back then.”

“Oh, I’m blaming you for that.” He laughs. “I would love to go with you. When’s the wedding?”

“Next weekend?” I wince, knowing that it’s kind of late notice. “Sorry, I know that it’s kind of last minute.”

“My schedule is wide open for you.”

Later that day, I’m at the office, and after going through all the pleasantries of being welcomed back, Christine is walking with me to my cubicle.

I’m not surprised to see someone sitting on the other side.

“Oh! This is Raegan Graham.” Christine points just as the woman with dark brown, almost black hair turns around and gives me a shy smile and a little wave.

“Hi.” Oh my gosh, she is so cute and tiny, I just want to put her in my pocket.

“Mr. Beckham’s new assistant. She just started a few days ago,” Christine explains.

“Oh.” I let out a breath and take a step towards her. “Are you okay?” I whisper. “Blink twice if you need help,” I joke and Christine giggles behind me.

“No, he seems to like her,” Christine says and when I turn around, I see she’s looking down at her phone. “I’ve got to run, but drinks tonight? I’ve missed you!” she says with a final hug before turning to walk away.

I turn back to Raegan who’s still looking at me like she’s nervous. “I’m Marissa.”

“Collins. Right. They told me.” Raegan points at her desk and then toward mine. “They said you sit at that one, but if you would prefer this desk, we can switch,” she says. “I’m sorry that you’re coming back after all this time to someone in your space,” she rambles as I set my purse on my desk.

“Oh my god, please breathe. I am happy to have someone to talk to.” I cross my arms over my chest. “How old are you?”


“Oh, fresh out of college then. Where’d you go?”

“Penn State.” She fiddles with a pen in her lap.

I cross the cubicle to her side and lean on the desk. “Okay, enough of the basics for the moment; what I want to know is how you got Mr. Beckham to like you after only a few days.” I sigh. “You should be training half of us.”

“Oh.” She blinks her blue eyes a few times as if she’s confused. “He’s very nice. A little direct and terse at times but…” She trails off, “He’s been great. I heard he’s had quite a few assistants before me, but he’s not too difficult.”

As if his ears were burning, I hear his voice down the hall and when I peek my head out, I see he’s walking towards our cubicle.

“Miss Collins, I just wanted to say welcome back. I’m very pleased with the work you all did over there,” he says to me but I don’t miss that his eyes flit to Raegan every few seconds.

“Well, I appreciate the opportunity. Thank you.”

“And I see you’ve met Miss Graham?” He gestures towards Raegan. “I hope you can offer any assistance she may need.” He looks at her again and Raegan smiles.

“Of course, I’ll take care of her,” I tell him. He nods in response, and if I’m not mistaken, I see a hint of a smile on his lips.

“Thank you,” he says before he disappears.

“Oh my god?” I blink at her. “I never thought I’d see the day.” I chuckle as I shake my head and she looks up at me confused.


“Wes Beckham has a crush on someone.”

She stands up and peaks her head out of the cubicle, presumably to make sure he’s far enough away to be out of earshot before turning back to me. “Who?” she asks in a hushed tone.

I raise an eyebrow at her because she can’t possibly think I’m talking about me. “Ummm you?”

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