Page 51 of Our Little Secret

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I’m about to respond when my eyes move away from her and I see Marissa staring at me with her arms across her chest and a look on her face that I can’t quite decipher. She’s wearing a black strapless jumpsuit and her hair is pulled up into a messy ponytail on the top of her head, like it had been down earlier but she’d gotten hot. She looked fucking sexy and maybe a little jealous over what looks like me entertaining another woman. I hope she knows better.

I look at the woman, who hasn’t moved, but is now talking to her friend. I turn my eyes back to Marissa and raise an eyebrow at her and I hope she sees it as a dare to come over here and stake her claim despite the half dozen people running around this club that also work for me. The music shifts to something sexier and I watch as she takes a long sip of her drink before setting it on a high-top table on her way towards me.

Her eyes don’t leave me the entire time and the second she’s within arm’s reach, I hold my hand out for her. She glances at it briefly before turning her head over her shoulder and doing a brief scan of who’s behind her. She shakes her head slowly but when I drop my hand, hers brushes against mine and I feel her pinky link with mine. I turn to look at her before the two girls in front of me follow suit. “Hi,” she says.

“Hello.” I look her up and down salaciously, not sure how she’s planning to play this and wanting to play along however she wants.

“You here with them?” she asks and the two girls look at her.

“Nope,” I tell her, my eyes never leaving her.

“He said he has a girlfriend,” drunk girl number two says.

“Did he now?” She narrows her eyes at me. “Well, I won’t bother you then.”

“You are definitely not.”I tell her as I shake my head slowly.

“Marissa,” she says as if introducing herself.


One of the drunk girls, don’t know or care who, asks, “Do you two know each other?”

“Nope,” we say in unison, grins pulling at both of our lips.

“Can I come home with you?” she asks as she makes an obvious show that she’s looking at my dick.

“I’m already in the car waiting.”

“I think that’s his girlfriend,” I hear one of them say and then I sense movement in my periphery and while I am enjoying our little show, I am more than ready to take her home.

“You ready?”

She nods and then she’s moving towards the door and I’m following no more than an inch behind her. “Is anyone from the office still in there?” I nod behind us as we step outside and guide her to my car.

“A few, but the majority went home. They’re pretty drunk though.”

“You tell them you were leaving?” I know Irish exits are popular, but I’d like to think we’ve cultivated an environment where people would look out for each other while they’re out drinking.

I nod. “I sent a message to the group chat once I saw you. I wasn’t expecting you to come in.”

“Was just curious if there was anyone in the office I had to worry about.”

She turns her head towards me confused as we turn the corner. “Like…another guy?”

“I didn’t think you’d be interested but…this is the time where a man shoots his shot with women he works with.”

We make it to my car and I reach for the door but she leans against it, preventing me from opening it, and pulls me gently by the t-shirt I’m wearing under my leather jacket. “I would say I have a boyfriend.”

I was not expecting that. “Oh?”

“Well, don’t I? You said you have a girlfriend.”

I take a step closer to her, resting my forearms on the top of my car and pressing myself against her. “I think this is the first time you’ve called me that.”

She shrugs. “I just didn’t want anyone hitting on me. I always say that when I don’t feel like warding off men’s advances even when I don’t have one.” She licks her lips. “I told another one of the groomsmen at Lex and Owen’s wedding I had a boyfriend.”

Annoyance flares through me that one of Owen’s friends tried to make a pass at her, but I also want to beat my chest with pride that she didn’t tell me the same thing. “What happened to him?” I ask her. “The mystery boyfriend.”

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