Page 50 of Our Little Secret

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“You got it, beautiful.” I hang up and make my way over to Wes who’s staring down at his phone.

He looks up at me and a smile pulls at his lips. “Since when can’t you take a call from a woman in front of me? Quite frankly I’ve heard more than I care to know about you in the past.”

I rub my hands together. “Okay, if I tell you something, can you not ask a bunch of questions?”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Is it legal?”

“What? Yes, of course it is. I’m talking about the woman, Beck.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“I had divorce papers drawn up. I’m serving Holly on Monday.” All the air leaves my lungs in a rush because Beck is the first person I’ve told. I haven’t even told Marissa this yet, or my mother or my sisters. All of whom I know will be thrilled, but I know this is just the first step. I was planning to tell Marissa this weekend and I didn’t want to tell my family until Holly had at the very least been served.

“I’ve been with you for the past two hours and you’re just now telling me this? Why aren’t we celebrating?” He clinks his glass to mine. “I’m so fucking happy for you.”

“Because this is only the first step. You and I both know this is not going to be easy. She’s probably going to want me to make about a hundred addendums.” I rub my forehead. “She’s already getting a fuck ton more than I had hoped but I want out. It’s time.”

“Is this all because of the new woman?” He nods at my phone. “The ‘not serious one,’ which I knew is bullshit by the way.”

“Yes and no,” I tell him as I think about what Marissa said on our first date about wanting to get out of my marriage for me and not just to have a shot with her. “I like her a lot.” I slide my hand into my pocket and drag my finger over her hair pin. It reminds me that she doesn’t even know I’ve been carrying it around. “She’s not crazy about the fact that I’m married, obviously.”

“You tell her you’re working on that?”

“Not yet. You’re the first person I’ve told.”

He puts a hand over his heart. “I’m honored.”

“Shut up, dick.” I chuckle as I pinch the bridge of my nose thinking about the chaos I’m preparing to bring into my life. “Holly is going to lose her shit.”

“Probably.” He drops to a seat in the corner. “But what is she going to do, force you to stay married?”

I sit in the adjacent chair and take a sip of my beer. “Bring up every time I’ve ever been unfaithful in attempts to get more money, I’m sure.”

“Maybe if you just talk to her calmly and explain to her that you know she’s not happy also and you’re trying to do the right thing by you both. We know how she is but maybe there’s someone else better suited for her.”

“You mean like Satan himself?” I put my hands over my face. “I feel like I’m about to go to war.” I shoot him a glare. “Why did you let me marry her?”

Beck chuckles and shakes his head. “Oh no, you’re not putting that on me. I believe I tried to talk you out of it more than once. Even before she turned into…” He trails off, because there really wasn’t one way to describe the person Holly became after we got married. “I still didn’t think she was right for you.”

Wes rarely likes to be out past midnight, so he’s ready to go before it’s even time for me to pick up Marissa. I know where they are so I decide to go early and wait for her. I had planned to wait in the car, but my curiosity gets the best of me and I wonder if there are any men in the office who may be interested. I’m not worried she’d do anything, but some of these casual outings become breeding grounds for interoffice hookups, and I’m curious if anyone in the office is trying to shoot their shot with my girl. I find street parking relatively close and make my way into the club, not even glancing at the line down the block before giving the guy at the door a hundred dollar bill. I hate doing that but hate the idea of anything standing in the way of seeing Marissa even more.

I make my way into the club and it is loud and hot and I’ve already stepped in something sticky reminding me that most, if not all of them are in their early twenties. The music is EDM and there are clustered groups of people everywhere dancing. There’s no way I’ll be able to find her.

I am not that far removed from the party scene, but even this is a bit too much for me. I haven’t been to any bar or club in at least three years where there wasn’t at least an option to sit down. I don’t even see a space for reserved tables which most clubs have nowadays. I chuckle and shake my head as the DJ says something and everyone cheers.

A group of girls stumble by me and one stops in her tracks causing one to bump into the back of her. The first girl, clearly drunk, blinks her eyes several times and takes a few steps towards me. “Are you a model?”

I look around me. “Not that I know of?”

“You are hot. You should be a model,” she says as she drags her eyes over me.

“B!!” The second girl that almost tripped over her smacks her arm. “Leave him alone.”

B or drunk girl number one, cocks her head to the side. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“I do.” I nod at her, wishing like hell she’d somehow manifest.

“And she let you out without her? Looking like that?” She blinks up at me and I definitely do not remember girls being this bold in my early twenties even after multiple shots. “Is she here?”

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