Page 31 of Our Little Secret

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When I reach for it, he pulls me to my feet and into his arms, and I love how good it feels to be pressed up against him. He runs his hands down my back, gently stopping just shy of my ass and I’d give anything to feel his hands there right now, but he moves them back up and laces our fingers. “Upstairs is fine, but I don’t really party that much.”

“Just at weddings.” He winks and I shake my head as we walk away from the table.

We are making our way through the restaurant when a thought hits me. “Wait…did we pay?”

“You think I’m making you dine and ditch on our second date? That’s more like third or fourth date activities, don’t you think?”

I smack his arm, “I’m not saying that, I just thought maybe you forgot or…” I wince, realizing he probably already handled it without me seeing.

“They have my card on file. They just send me the receipt at the end of the night,” he informs me as we enter the elevator.

We still haven’t kissed again and I can feel the hum between my legs getting stronger with every elevator ride. When we exit the elevator, the rooftop is empty save for one table in the corner with another couple.

“There’s no one up here? Seems like it would be busier?”I ask as I look around, confused.

“It’s only open to VIPs on Fridays,” he says. “You need a special code to access it.”

“Oh.” I nod. “Why only VIPs?”

“Gives people privacy. Sometimes celebrities come up here. They don’t like you taking pictures or using your phone at all really.”

He guides me to an area that’s blocked off by larger plants and lights and it feels like we are completely alone. There are two chairs and a small loveseat and he shocks me by sitting in one of the chairs instead of the couch. My eyes dart between the options before I take a couple of steps to stand in front of him. He raises an eyebrow at me before he spreads his legs slightly and I slide onto his lap.

“I was hoping you’d choose this seat.”

“It’s just preventative,” I tell him. “In case, I get cold and need your body heat.”

“Oh well, I could just give you my jacket.” He leans up slightly and starts to slide it off. “Or if there’s another way I can warm you up”—he’s moved us so my legs are draped over his lap putting us at eye level. He leans closer so our lips are almost touching— “you’ll have to tell me.”

Movement in my periphery pulls my eyes from his in time to see a man setting down two glasses of champagne and a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries before disappearing. “Did we order that?”

“They just bring it by. Do you want something else?”

I look at the table in front of us and turn back to him. “Maybe something else.”

“Oh? Tell me what it is. Whatever you want.” My eyes drop to his lips and then back up to his eyes before scanning over his jaw, nose, and cheekbones and then returning to stare into his piercing blue eyes.

“Touch me.” I bite my bottom lip for emphasis and I feel his dick twitch beneath me. “Reach your hand between my legs and touch me.”

He leans away from me, resting his back against the chair, and scratches his jaw. “Are you wet?” I nod. “Since when?”

I open my mouth, not sure of what to say before I go for the sexiest answer I can think of. “Since you picked me up from my house.”

He winces and shakes his head before sucking his teeth. “Well, I’ve been walking around permanently erect since you showed up in my office on Monday, so I think I win.”

“I didn’t realize we were competing but okay, what do you want?” I am more than aware I didn’t give him a blowjob that night, so I already know that’s probably high on his list of priorities this weekend. Fine by me. I regretted not sucking that perfect dick in my mouth every night for weeks.

“I want another taste.”

Fuck yes, me too. His mouth was insane and I liked that he seemed obsessed with putting it on my cunt. “Okay.” I nod. “Should we go?”

He shakes his head before he lifts me up, holding me in his arms, before sitting me where he was seated in the chair allowing him to kneel in front of me. “Here!?” I whisper-shout and he chuckles.

He raises an eyebrow before he parts my legs gently. “No one is going to see anything even if they happen to come around, but they won’t. They’ve already brought us our drinks.”

“Chris, you can’t be serious.”

“We’re talking about my tongue in your cunt, trust me I am very serious.” My eyes dart around, and no one is even within our line of sight but still! “Listen if someone were to walk by, all they would see is my head between your legs.”

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