Page 27 of Our Little Secret

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“New York.”

“With me?” he asks.

I grab the garment bag that’s already hanging in my closet and unzip it, pulling out the jacket and pants I’m planning to wear tonight. “I don’t know, maybe.”

“Do you even bother hiding it?”

“Why would I? She doesn’t care.”

“God, this girl has her work cut out for her. She’s probably already noticed you have money. Just make sure she’s not Holly 2.0, okay? Make sure she’s with you for you.”

“Yeah,” I say. I’ve been so enamored with her for months that I hadn’t thought about the fact that she’s just learning who I am in the past week. She may have been into me before but now she knows about all the things that come with being with me. “Fuck,” I mutter. “I shouldn’t have done all of this so soon.”

“No. Man, I didn’t say that. If she’s into you, I’m saying it doesn’t matter either way. And women do love to be spoiled, just keep your eyes open better this time, yeah? You know how to spot someone only interested in you for your money much better now.”

“Right.” I let out a breath as a call comes through and I groan.

What the fuck. I sometimes go days without talking to her and she’s calling thirty minutes after me checking into a hotel.

“I have a call. Let me call you back.”

“No need. Have fun. Call me if you need something.”

“Thanks, Beck.” I hang up and switch to the other line, already walking towards the bar knowing I’ll need a drink after this conversation.

“What’s up?” I ask.

“Where are you?” Her voice already grates on my nerves but it feels even more annoying than usual.

“I told you I was going to New York for the weekend. What do you need, Holly?”

“Oh right,” she answers flatly. “Well, the realtor for the house in Aspen called.”

Called her instead of me? I pull the phone away from my ear as I scroll through my call log to see if she’d tried to call me first. “Why didn’t she call me?”

“I don’t know. You’re busy?”

“Okay…well, what did she say?”

“That the house we originally wanted is for sale.”

Four years ago, when I was much more invested in our marriage and we were looking at houses to buy in Aspen, the one we both fell in love with wasn’t available. Nobody was living in it, but the owners weren’t interested in selling. The owner’s wife had just died and he was feeling a sentimental attachment to it. I guess now he’s moving on and wouldn’t mind being attached to the eighteen million dollars he wants for it.

“The house we have is fine.”

“But it’s not the house we wanted.”

“Holly, we haven’t been to Aspen in years.” At least not together.

“I go all the time.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with the house we have.” If I’m about to start the process of getting out of my marriage, I’m not about to start a completely different process of selling and buying a new house.

“I know. I’m saying we should get this one too.”

“What the hell do we need two houses in Aspen for?” She’s insane. “I’m not paying two mortgages on two multi-million dollar houses in Aspen.” We also had a house in the Hamptons that I absolutely hate. It’s tacky and way too big. All I wanted was a small beach house and somehow ended up with a monstrosity that has appeared in House and Garden. Twice.

I rub my temples thinking about the headache of how we are going to go about splitting up those properties when the time comes.

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