Page 26 of Our Little Secret

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He nods one door down. “Want to see my room too?”

You know you’re going to sleep with him again. If you weren’t, what exactly was the point of yesterday’s wax?

Okay yes, but make him work for it.

Harder than he already has?


I shake my head as I press my key against the reader. “Just curious.”

He follows me inside but keeps a respectable distance and I’m shocked to see my bag already inside. “How…?” I point at my luggage in shock because how did it get here so fast?

“Magic,” Chris says as he holds his hands out, wiggling his fingers. “We are cutting it a little close for dinner. I’m going to push the reservations unless you think you can be ready in thirty minutes?”

Uh. NO?

“Yes…umm…I can be,” I say weakly, not even believing the words as they leave my lips.

“I’ll push them.” He chuckles before he heads towards the door. “I meant to tell you earlier. You look beautiful.” He smiles and then he’s out the door.

I can’t even hide the grin when the door clicks behind me.

Okay, this is going well.

I’ll admit, I thought I’d shot everything to hell when I pulled up to her house and her mom practically skipped outside, probably assuming I was someone else. Marissa knew I was coming and I was only a few minutes early, and I figured no one was home or she would have actually pushed for me to meet her around the corner. But even that went well.

I walk into my room and reach for my weekender that’s sitting in the foyer along with my laptop case. Unfortunately, I do have to do some work tomorrow, but I have the perfect thing for her to do during the day. I pull up my messages for the first time since I picked her up and see one from Beck.

Beck: Who are you going to New York with?

Me: None of your business

Beck: Interesting since you’re using the company box tomorrow and the suites we use. Sounds like it’s very much my business.

I mentally give him the finger before I press a button to call him. “Alright fucker, it’s someone I’m seeing.”

“Well, I knew you weren’t taking your mother. Who is it?”

“Just a woman. I’ve known her for a while.”

“Okay. Vague but okay. Frankly, I’m surprised. I figured you were still stuck on the woman from Owen’s wedding.”

I clear my throat. “Yeah…” I trail off and I hear a laugh on the other end.

“I knew you’d break down and call Owen. Okay, wow. So, you’re pulling out all the stops then. Let me guess, taking her shopping tomorrow?”

“No.” Yes.

“Dinner at The Landry?”

“No.” Also, yes.

“So, yes to both. Should I let our lawyer know you’ll be reaching out to draw up papers soon?”

“Jesus, Beck. It’s still early.”

“And if you broke down and figured out who she was because you finally realized obsessing over her for the rest of your life was not healthy, it means you are finally ready to start the process of divorcing Holly.” He sighs. “I think you should have gotten your ducks in a row first, but at least we are moving in the right direction. Where does Holly think you are?”

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