Page 12 of Our Little Secret

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Definitely not answering that, I think because whatever random number that could be calling me at seven-thirty on a Monday night is someone I don’t want to talk to. It stops ringing and I don’t see a voicemail notification so I assume it’s a spam call. No more than a few moments later, my phone lights up with a text message from the same number.

Unknown Number: Hey, it’s Chris.

My mouth drops open and while I’d normally tell my sister, she’s clearly in another world right now and would probably suggest sending him nudes. I drop my phone into my lap and type out a reply.

Me: Hey, I’m getting dinner with my sister. Did you need something?

I’m pretty sure he’s not calling me regarding anything work related, but I’m going to play dumb for the sake of self-preservation. I do, however, save his number in the meantime.

Chris: How is that?

Small talk? Is he serious?

Me: It’s fine.

Chris: You tell her about how awful your first day was?

I narrow my eyes at my screen because I know he’s not making light of this clusterfuck.

Me: She’s aware that I’ve slept with my boss, yes.

Chris: I feel like shit, you know.

Me: Well, that makes two of us.

Chris: You shouldn’t. You didn’t know.

Like that matters! I realize I haven’t said anything in a minute and when I look up, I see Autumn on her phone grinning like a woman in love. I look back down just in time to see another message come through.

Chris: Can I see you? Outside of work?

Me: You cannot be serious.

Chris: Just have dinner with me. Please.

“I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back,” I tell my sister as I get up from the table. I’m barely around the corner before I have the phone to my ear.

“Hey,” he answers on the first ring. “I know you’re at dinner. I’m sorry—”

“Are you kidding me?”


“You’re married.”

“I know.”

“And you’re asking me out on a date?”


“Chris, can’t you see how fucked up this is?”

“Yes,” he says sadly and I’ll admit I’m impressed that he doesn’t say anything else. He doesn’t make an excuse. I guess he’s got nothing left to do but own it at this point.

“Tell me what makes her so terrible.”

He sighs. “Can I tell you over dinner?”

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