Page 11 of Our Little Secret

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She furrows her brows and blinks her eyes at me several times in confusion. “You and your hot boss, obviously.”

I shift nervously on the barstool, not wanting to get into this. “How do you know he’s hot?”

“One I know the kind of man that turns your head, Marissa Lee, and two, I googled.”

I sigh. “What do you mean ‘what is going to happen?’ He’s married. That’s it. Case closed.”

“You think he’ll leave her?”

I snort. “Do men ever leave their wives?”

“Sometimes.” She shrugs.

“Something tells me the door has closed on him leaving her based on what he said.”

“Or maybe he hasn’t had the right incentive.” She reaches across the table to tap my nose and gives me a dramatic wink.

“I don’t want to be any man’s incentive to leave his wife.”

“So, if he leaves her, you won’t give him a chance?”

“We are talking about something that isn’t even close to happening! I don’t want to even think like it’s an option. Besides, I still don’t like how he handled everything.”

“Hmm you’re being a wee bit holier than thou and it’s so unlike you.” She scrunches her nose. “It’s weird.”

“He’s married, Autumn! Since when are you not a rules girl? You literally went to school for a career that makes people adhere to them.”

“Laws yes, but not rules of the heart.” She puts a hand over her chest.

“Oh, you’re drunk.” I snort as I pick up my phone to text my future brother-in-law. “I’m texting Eric.”

“No!” She puts her hand over my phone to stop me. “Listen, I’ve never seen you talk about anyone the way you talked about Chris.”

“It was great sex. That’s all.”

“You liked him.”

“I liked his dick,” I correct

“And him,” she retorts.

I cross my arms over my chest and let out a bored sigh. “Okay fine, so what if I did?”

“Oh my gosh, it’s like Scandal! You guys are like Fitz and Olivia!”

“Okay, first of all, don’t start.” I groan, thinking about my sister’s obsession with that show. “Secondly, they were toxic as hell.”

She shrugs. “You still rooted for them.”

“I mean, yeah, of course. That was the point. It’s also fiction. I would not survive one day as Olivia Pope.”

Her eyes widen as she points at me. “And it totally fits! You said his wife was awful.”

“I said he said that. But what else was he going to say? ‘Sorry but I’m madly in love with her, that night was just a lapse in judgment?’”I scoff before taking a sip of my drink.

She sighs and picks up another piece of sushi before swirling it around her soy sauce. “Fine, you’re right.” She looks at her drink. “And I think you’re right, these were stronger than I thought.”

I shake my head at her, knowing that she’s going to be complaining about her hangover tomorrow when my phone lights up next to me. I stare at it skeptically when I see it’s a number I don’t recognize.

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