Page 87 of The Harlequin

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“That’s not true.”

“It is true!” I bellow. “You got high on the power. You were enjoying it. I saw it in your eyes and your body in those moments before I dropped Briony at your feet. Before you saw the evidence of your own evil intent.”

“Everything I have done has been to protect this city from you.”

“And who do you sound like now?” I am standing above her. Eldrion tries to step in my way, but I push him over with just one jerk of my wrist. The once powerful lord goes flying towards the wall and crashes into it, falling to the floor in time for my shadows to begin swirling at his feet.

He cries out. I stifle his noise with more darkness.

Alana looks at him, then at me. She stares into my eyes, and I blink down at her. “I think we can overcome it,” I whisper. “If you apologise and promise to be a good girl from now on.”

She lowers her gaze.

There it is. She is mine again.

But then she looks up at me. Gold and purple flicker in her gaze. Her wings spread wide and she rises to her feet. She pulls back her arm and, without hesitation, hurls a bolt of magic towards me.

And the power of it . . .

I am almost impressed when it hits me in the chest and sends me flying.

What is this? It is not just her magic and the water magic she stole from Kayan, it is something greater than that, too.

“What did you do?” I ask, tilting my head in awe as she stalks towards me.

“You are not just dealing with one person’s power now, Finn,” she says. “I have the power of an entire city inside me. And you’re about to know what it feels like when it takes everything you have, and turns it to ash inside your bones.”

I grin at her, rising to my feet.

“I cannot wait,” I tell her.



Istand before Finn, my body thrumming with power. The magic of hundreds of fae courses through my veins, a symphony of elements and abilities all singing for release. It’s intoxicating, overwhelming, and for a moment, I understand how Finn could have lost himself to this feeling. I think I am losing myself, too.

But I no longer care.

Caring hurts too much.

Flinging an arm out behind me, I send Briony’s body up into the air. It hovers for a moment, and then I throw her over the edge of the roof.

She is gone, now.

And so am I.

Finn rises up, his red eyes flashing. Behind me, Eldrion cries out. I do not need to watch him to know that the shadows are taking him.

It is as though all the visions I’ve ever had are living in my head now at the same time as what is real, and happening. I can see everything.

I can see Finn’s army of Shadowkind attacking the castle, battering down the doors of the grand hall and attacking the Sunborne who are huddled there.

I can see the Gloomweavers turning to looting and pillaging because there are not enough fae left in the city to kill.

And I can see what is happening behind me. Even as I focus on Finn and the dark, inky black magic that is coiling around his forearms, ready to attack, I can see Eldrion.

At first, it’s subtle – wisps of darkness curling around his ankles, almost playful in their movements. But then they start to climb.

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