Page 86 of The Harlequin

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I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what’s to come.

Because it is going to be so very good.

“Alana!” he calls down to me. He is carrying something. A large, dark bundle in his arms.

He stops above me, treading the air. His army stops too, glaring down at us.

The bundle falls. He lets it tumble. It hits the ground in front of me with a thud that sends a jolt of nausea through me. I see dark hair, and pale skin, and the wings of a Shadowkind.

I move forward and crouch down.

“Alana, don’t.” Eldrion warns me to stop, but I ignore him. As I push her hair aside, my breath catches in my chest and my vision blurs.

I’m standing in the streets of Luminael, but they’re unrecognisable. Water rushes through them like raging rivers, swallowing everything in its path. Water I conjured. Destruction I invited.

Buildings crumble, debris floats by, and the screams of the desperate and dying fill the air.

Through the chaos, I spot a familiar figure... Briony. She’s clinging to a piece of floating wreckage, her wings waterlogged and useless. Her face is a mask of terror as she fights against the current.

“Help!” she screams, her voice barely audible over the roar of the flood. “Please, someone help!”

I try to move towards her, to reach out, but I’m frozen in place, forced to watch helplessly.

Around her, small Shadowkind fae, young ones, so young, cling to the bridge and call out for Briony. She tells them to stay strong.

But then a massive wave crashes over her, submerging her completely. And when the water recedes, she’s gone. My heart clenches as I search frantically for any sign of her.

Then I see her, carried swiftly away by the merciless current. Her body tumbles through the water, limp and lifeless. Her eyes are open, staring blankly at nothing.

She is gone.

I killed her.

I cry out in pain and scramble backwards, my heart racing, my breath shaking in my chest.

Eldrion is at my side, towering above me, but he can do nothing to protect me, and Finn’s army is coming for me.



Ihave broken her, and I am glad of it. A moment ago, she was so strong and so very cocky. And now she is like a scared child, scrambling away from the body of her dead friend. Her only friend.

“Seek out the Sunborne and end them,” I tell Yarrow. “Don’t stop until they are all gone.”

He nods at me. “You’ll handle the empath?”

“I’ll handle the empath.” I stare down at the roof. “And the Fae Lord.”

As my army disappears, swooping down to scour the flooded streets and buildings, and the dark crevices inside the castle walls, I land on the edge of the roof.

So much has happened here. This very spot is where Kayan had his wings ripped from his back. This is where I transformed, and now this is where it will all end.

“I really did want you to be by my side at the end of this.” I jump down onto the roof, my feet landing with a heavy thud. “But after what you did to my kind, I am not sure there is any way back for us.”

Alana looks up at me. Tears are streaming down her cheeks. “I did not do this.” She gestures to Briony. “None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for you.”

“No, Alana. You did this. You chose to destroy hundreds of fae to save yourself.”

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