Page 76 of The Harlequin

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It is an intoxicating dance.

To own something so powerful, and to make her mew and whimper under my touch, fills me with so much heat I can barely breathe.

But for her to own me in return?

She slams back onto me, reaching back to loop her arm around my neck. She comes hard and quickly. There is no romance or love in our fucking. It is a release of pressure. A valve that needs to be loosened. But as we both climax, the lightning intensifies.

Alana barely allows me to finish before she pulls away from me, tugging her dress back up over her breasts and using her wings to keep herself alight in the air.

She looks me up and down approvingly, almost as if she is saying thank you. Then she swoops down from the clouds.

I follow her to the citadel’s edge.

Below, the water shimmers beneath the warmth of the deceptively calm sunset.

“What will happen to the Sunborne now?” she asks.

I almost laugh. “You tell me, Alana. What will happen to them?”

“I suppose they will continue as normal. It has been a long time since they used their magic.” She tilts her head. “But it will be interesting to see how they change now they do not have the comfort of knowing they are the most powerful fae in the kingdom.”

“You are talking as if the battle has already been won and we are living in the after. Finn still needs to be dealt with.”

Alana looks at me as though I am a little bit stupid and rolls her eyes. “Of course, but as soon as I have removed his opportunity to grow his forces, he will no longer be a problem for us.”

“Removed...” I frown at her. “What do you mean?”

She lifts her palms in front of her face. The magic has changed colour. It is blue now, and below us, I feel the tide in the waters around the citadel start to shift.

“Alana, what are you going to do?”

A smile parts her lips. She inhales deeply, then presses her palms outwards as though she is pushing an invisible wall away from herself.

I look away from her, my gaze falling on the now undulating water. It looks as though it is swelling, growing larger, waves crashing against the shore.

“Alana . . .”

“That is the Shadowkind Quarter?” she asks, pointing north.

“It is.”

“I will deal with them first, and then we will deal with the ones who are left inside.”

I move in front of her, blocking her view, but she closes her eyes as if it makes no difference to what she is doing.

“Those who remain are loyal.”

“They are not loyal, and you are a fool if you think they are.” Her eyes snap open. “And it does not matter either way. Whether they want it or not, Finn will turn them. So, we need to make sure there is no one here for him to turn.”

I beat my wings and turn around. The waves are higher now. She is going to flood the city.

The sky is darkening, angry storm clouds roiling overhead. Lightning flashes, illuminating the scene in stark, purple-white bursts.

Alana is still suspended in the air, her wings spread wide, crackling with power. Her eyes glow an unearthly violet, and her hands are raised above her head.

With a swift, brutal motion, she brings her arms down.

A massive wall of water materialises, towering over the city’s highest spires. For a heartbeat, it hangs there, defying gravity. Then it crashes down.

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