Page 75 of The Harlequin

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I flick my wings, blue light casting shimmering shadows on Maura’s face.

“Kayan?” She looks up at me as Raine stirs in the bed. “Thank you.”

“We are kin,” I tell her. “I will fetch the horses, and I will accompany you to Rosalie’s mansion.”

“You do not wish to stay with Alana?” Maura asks, helping Raine to sit up.

“Alana is not here anymore, Maura. She’s gone.” I close my eyes, picture Alana one last time, the way I knew her then, and brace myself to leave her forever.



“What was that?” I storm after Alana. She is heading for the roof, and I have no idea whether I want to rip her clothes off or lock her in chains because of what she has done. “Alana!”

She flicks her wrist out behind her and sends a ball of golden light hurtling towards me, and with it a display of ornate swords falls from the wall, a painting tumbles to the ground, the ceiling shakes.

I cannot even fathom how much power is surging through her right now. The thought of it is too much to comprehend.

The way she is moving. The way she’s carrying herself... she seems completely unbeatable.

And suddenly, I know without a doubt that no matter how strong Finn’s forces are, Alana will win. There is nothing that could be stronger than her.

I catch her arm as we reach the roof. I should probably be afraid of her, but all my body wants is to be close to her.

She swirls around, eyes flashing gold and purple and black, then she releases an almighty scream. She turns her face up towards the storm clouds that are still gathered above the city. And they almost seem to quake under her rage and her elation.

She is smiling when she looks at me. “Can you feel that?” she cries.

I can feel her. She is magical. I am transfixed.

She looks me up and down and her lips curl into a smile. Just the way her eyes move makes me instantly hard.

In an instant, she is in front of me on her knees. She pulls my pants down and takes me in her mouth. “Alana...” I don’t know why I’m pretending that I want her to stop. I don’t. I don’t want this to ever stop.

I no longer care about anything but the way her lips feel against my shaft.

I reach down and push her dress from her shoulders. She looks up at me, her eyes still shimmering, her wings out wide behind her back.

Then she stands. “Fly with me,” she says, looking up at the storm clouds.

“Fly with you?”

She nods, spreading her wings.

I spread mine too and follow her into the sky. She is heading straight for the centre of the clouds. But still I follow her.

There, she lets her dress fall further, down to her waist. She is treading air with her wings. Lightning crackles around us and she inhales deeply, her entire body vibrating with the power it now contains.

“Fuck me,” she says, wrapping her legs around my waist the way we did in the water.

I spin her around roughly, and enter her from behind. Her wings are pressed against me, and she is completely at my mercy.

It is me holding us up.

Only me.

And in that moment, I realise why I find her so irresistible. Why I have always found her irresistible. Because I want to tame her, but I also want her to tame me.

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