Page 45 of The Harlequin

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“It is all your fault,” she sighs. And somehow, the lack of anger, and the amount of pure resignation in her words is what hurts the most.

“I . . .”

“You are no longer one of us.” Maura stands firm and tall, her wings curling out sideways. “There are only three Leafborne fae remaining in this world. Four, once the baby is born.”

“But . . .”

“You are not one of us,” she repeats. “You are nothing to us, and we are nothing to you. As soon as Raine and Pen are fit to leave this place, we will be leaving.”

“But where will you go? Finn is still?—”

“His fight is not with us. We will go somewhere we can be safe. Somewhere far away from you and your twisted games.”

“I am not playing games. I did not do this!” Hurt turns to rage and flares on my skin in flickers of purple light.

The smoke is back. It drifts towards Maura’s feet but she simply steps through it, turning her back on me.

“Maura... please,” I call after her, but she does not look back. “Maura?” She still does not turn back. “Don’t leave me alone. Please.”

She disappears into the darkness at the end of the corridor. I hear Raine’s bedroom door open, and close, and silence descends.

“Please . . .”

I storm into Eldrion’s chambers without knocking. They are dark. There is no fire in the grate. Purple light still crackles on my skin, illuminating the walls in an eerie hue as I pass through the room I have stood in so many times before.

As if he was expecting me, he is sitting up in bed, a sheet across his waist, leaning forward onto his thighs. He looks up as I enter, and I storm towards him.

Dropping to my knees, I tug the sheet away from him, but he catches my hand and stops me. Holding my wrist, he stands slowly, towering above me, then makes me take his place on the bed.

“Open your legs,” he commands, nudging my knee roughly with his own.

I do as he says, and he lifts my skirt.

I drop my shawl and lean back on my hands, spreading my thighs for him as he settles between them. Gently, he pushes my underwear to the side.

I expect his movements to be fast and hard and frantic like they have been so many times before, but this time, they are different.

He draws his tongue along my folds as if he has all the time in the world to make me come. A sigh parts my lips, followed by a small gasp of pleasure as he starts to suck my clit, pressing down on my stomach with the flat of his palm, grabbing my hip with his other hand.

As he touches and licks and sucks, I struggle to push the thoughts away that are racing in my mind. He stops. I look down at him, and he rises slowly.

“Your mind is elsewhere,” he says, not in an accusatory tone, but with a strange level of affection that I would never have expected to hear.

“I need you to help me forget,” I murmur.

Eldrion stares at me, then nods. He crosses the room, and returns with a band of silk he has pulled from his robe. He binds it around my eyes, taking away my sight. Then he pushes me down onto the bed, moving my body with ease, as if I weigh nothing at all, and settles between my legs.

Having my sight purposefully taken away is different from simply closing my eyes. It removes something; some element of control.

And this time, when he uses his tongue to tease my core, I am able to feel it. All of it. Every exquisite moment of it.

I wind my fingers into his hair and tilt my pelvis up, grinding into his mouth as my pleasure builds. Roughly, he pushes my legs back, exposing me even more. He holds them in place, and groans with approval at the sight of me.

“You taste so good, Alana,” he mutters as he starts to suck again. More hungry this time, more desperate, as if he is trying to devour every morsel of my arousal.

I cry out and reach back to grab hold of the headboard.

And he does not stop. He keeps on teasing, and coaxing, and expertly manoeuvring my orgasm through my aching body until it settles exactly where it is supposed to be and starts to build. My legs tremble, my toes curl, and my cries turn into shuddering breaths.

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