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Meg - A Compromise Plan

When I get the news about the new proposal going through, I’m still shocked by Drew’s unexpected gesture and begin to see him in yet another new light. I realize that he is willing to change his plans for me and for the town.

I know this is a route that they have probably never taken, but if Drew can convince them, then things could actually have a happy ending.

Despite my hopefulness, I can’t help but miss him around the inn. I find myself looking around corners and in reflections, waiting to see his adorable face smiling back at me, but they remain empty. I try not to mope around the house on our days off, or in the evenings when Mia and I settle in the living room to enjoy a movie on television.

“Don’t tell me you actually miss the guy,” my sister says, flipping through the channels looking for something worth watching.

“So, what if I do?” I ask. “I still feel something for him and that doesn’t just go away when he heads out of town.”

“You make it sound like he’s coming back.” She looks at me with suspicious eyes. “You’re not holding out on me, are you?”

Right now, I’m desperately hoping that Mia doesn’t know when I’m lying as easily as Drew does. I want more than anything to tell her the good news, but Drew asked me to keep it between us until he gets back. I know if I told her now, she’d be on board with the proposal. Then she wouldn’t hate the man or scowl at the mention of his name. But I’m determined to keep my promise. She’ll find out eventually, and everything will finally work out.

“I know he’s in New York to pitch a plan to his family,” I say, technically not deviating from the truth. “He told me before he left that if they agree with it, he’ll be back. And before you ask, no, I don’t think I would mind seeing him again.”

“This guy broke your heart, Meg. How could you want to see him again after everything that’s happened?” Mia looks at me like I have three heads or something.

“If you spend some time with the guy, not shooting daggers at him the whole time, you might learn some of his better qualities,” I defend.

“When have you seen these supposed good qualities?” Mia asks. Suddenly, realization dawns. “You’ve been seeing each other in secret?!”

Unless I immediately run away so she can’t see my expression, I can’t even try to hide it at this point. “Yes, and I realize he isn’t as bad as his family name makes him out to be,” I say calmly. “He told me how he plans to save the inn and make everyone happy at the same time.”

“There’s no way in hell he could come up with a plan to do that.” She shakes her head. “He’s playing you again so he can make a bigger buck off of us.”

Instead of snapping back like I usually do, I break my promise and relay the plan Drew came up with. The more I say, the more Mia’s expression changes, softening to the possibility of what could be.

“We would still own the inn,” I insist. “They would get a cut of profit for helping restore the inn to better quality and no one would know they’re working with us.”

For the first time in my life, I have rendered my big sister speechless. More than speechless. She must be hearing donkey noises in her head right about now.

“Why so quiet, sis?” I rest my chin on my hand, feigning a quizzical look.

“Okay, look, the guy made you cry and was planning on buying out the place. I had my reasons not to like him,” she defends. “I didn’t want to see him do the same thing again.”

“Well, how about before you start bashing on a man your sister is in love with, maybe think about why she feels that way!” I say, not realizing the truth that has slipped from my lips until it’s too late.

“Uh, what did you just say?” Her eyes widen, along with the smile on her face.

“Nothing, I didn’t say anything.” I try denying.

“‘A man your sister…loves?’ Oh, you’re in so much trouble.” She starts giggling like a schoolgirl. “You’re in love with the man!” she teases.

“No, I just—”

“You said it! I can see it all over your face! You’re blushing. You never blush!” She smiles.

I know trying to deny it is just a waste of time. I confront my own fears and realize that I have fallen in love with Drew. He’s wonderful in all the ways I’ve hoped for a man to be. He’s smart, insightful, and warm. I feel safe when I’m around him and miss him terribly when I’m not.

Suddenly, the thought of my life without him feels like someone pushing a dagger into my chest and twisting it over and over again. The only thing that can pull the dagger out is Drew, the man I’m utterly and undeniably in love with.

There’s a decision placed in front of me that I need to make, one that could change my life forever.

But what if he doesn’t feel the same? Can I risk telling him how I really feel?

Chapter thirty

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