Page 85 of Playing for Keeps

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"Wanted to text an ex back?" I suggested and cleared my throat. "Uh…had feelings for an ex and kept them…after you broke it off…?"

"What? No." Piper gave me a hard look. "Don’t laugh about this. I don’t have feelings for Thomas. Oh my god. Never mind. Forget I said anything."

I didn’t dare say another word for the rest of the elevator ride. Piper rolled her eyes next to me and strode out the moment the doors opened and then, and only then, did I allow myself to pump my fist into the air. Holy shit. Of course she didn’t have feelings for Thomas anymore. Fuck that loser. She could do so much better than him.

"Yeah." I grinned, trailing right behind her, practically on her heels. "Fuck exes, am I right? Look, if it’s done, it’s done. Might as well block their numbers. That’s the healthy thing, right? Just block. Might as well never even mention them ever, ever again. Pretty sure I read that in an article somewhere—"

"Adam." Piper stopped me and rubbed her temples. "We need to be serious for a second."

My grin was so wide, it hurt. "I can be serious. I can be the most serious dude you’ve ever met, one serious-ass motherfucker. Clint Eastwood, Samuel L. Jackson, serious as shit. Every serious you can imagine. So fucking serious, call me Kurt Russell from—I can’t think of a serious movie—but I’m sure Kassie could—"

"Adam," Piper hushed me. Even though we stepped outside, to a campus that was just beginning to rise for the morning, she dropped her voice. "We can’t let what…happened this weekend ever happen again."

"No more smashing cars. Got it."

She took a deep breath. "Not that."


Piper wasn’t talking about beating that Clemenza to a pulp at all. No, my RA was talking about when I’d touched her pussy and felt her up and finally got to do what I’d been daydreaming about for too long. It took only a few minutes for her to come in my hand and my blood had been singing ever since.

That’s the part she wanted to forget about. My chest tightened.

"Understood," I said.

"We need to be professional," she stressed, gazing up at me with those gorgeous gray eyes of hers.

Her lips pressed together, full lips, the kind of lips you can’t help but stare at when they’re talking. She tucked a blonde strand behind her ear. Something I’d done when I had her naked in the shower.

She sighed. "You understand, right? Both of our jobs are on the line here."

Or I could pay for your housing and you can let me eat you out.

"Yep." I forced a smile. "Sounds like a plan. Professional as shit."

Thinking back to all the conversations in the locker room, where I laughed at other football players dealing with their girlfriends’ exes, I knew this was some sick, twisted joke. I wasn’t even dating Piper and I still had to contend with him.


I thought about Thomas Sullender’s car, one of his prized possessions at KYU.

What’s another felony on the list?

My brain was thinking faster than the situation needed it to. I didn’t know if Piper wanted his car smashed to pieces, I just knew it’d make me happy. But I had to be casual about this. Piper was still pretty tender about her breakup. I needed to be smooth. Smoother than butter. Ice-cold smoothness, the kind of smooth the old Adam had before I was assigned my new RA.

“So…you and him…?” I cut off the rest of my words.

Nice one, Russell. Now, that’s smooth.

“You didn’t want him to call?” I tried instead.

She rolled her eyes. “Adam.”

What the hell does that mean?

That right there was the red flag that I would’ve laughed at if any other guy told me about it. What, her ex still calls her? Oh, man, suck it up, buddy! They’re clearly still fucking, she’s sucking him off while you’re freaking out about it, time to move on!

Instead, I took a deliberate step away from her in the elevator to clear my head.

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