Page 84 of Playing for Keeps

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With my backpack halfway on, and shoving my wallet in my back pocket, I hurried to yank open the door at the same time the door across from me opened. I stumbled back and Adam snagged my backpack strap, catching me before I fell.

“Hi,” I squeaked out.

The linebacker grinned down at me. “Hey.”

My phone buzzed in my side pocket from all the notifications. I slipped it out to power it down. “Um, Adam. You…uh…”

“If you’re up right now, does that mean what I think it means?” He walked to the elevator and pressed the button. “Because without clarification, I’m going to assume it does.”

“You posted a picture of us,” I blurted out. “I mean—uh—not us. You and me. The picture.”

“Cleo approved them? Nice.”

“Yeah. The thing is…”

“What thing?” The doors opened and Adam effortlessly strode in, leaving me to stumble behind him. Out of everything, Adam had so much more control of his body. Even with his hands shoved in his pockets, leaning against the elevator wall, and gazing down at me, he looked like he was posing for a magazine. “What about it?”

“Thomas called. Four times.”

The smile wiped clear off Adam’s face. His jaw tightened. “Your ex just called you?”




Thinking back to all of the conversations in the locker room where I’d laughed at other football players dealing with their girlfriends’ exes, I knew this was some sick, twisted, karmic joke. I wasn’t even dating Piper and I still had to contend with him. Bastard.

I thought about Thomas Sullender’s car, one of his prized possessions at KYU.

What’s another felony on the list?

My brain was thinking faster than the situation needed it to. I didn’t know if Piper wanted his car smashed to pieces. I just knew it’d make me happy. But I needed to be casual about this. Piper stood there, shellshocked in the elevator—and if I was being honest—still pretty tender about her breakup. I needed to be smooth. Smoother than butter. Ice-cold smoothness. The kind of smooth that the old Adam had before being tied to my RA.

"So…you and him…?" I cut off the rest of my words.

Nice one, Russell. Subtle.

"You didn’t want him to call?" I tried instead. That was better.

"Adam, be serious." She rolled her eyes.

What the hell does that mean?

That right there was the red flag that I would’ve laughed at if any other guy told me about it. What, her ex still calls her? Oh, man, suck it up, buddy! They’re clearly still fucking. Time to move on!

Instead, I took a deliberate step away from her in the elevator to clear my head.

It wasn’t the conversation. Being that damn close to her was affecting me. In the seconds that the elevator crept towards the first floor, I had to remember who she was. My resident assistant, the woman assigned to keeping me on track. My babysitter.

We were so close together, I could smell her perfume and taste it on the back of my tongue.

The Adam from three months ago would’ve been laughing at me right now. My right hand curled into a fist.

Piper bit her lip. "Have you ever…?"


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