Page 77 of Playing for Keeps

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Xavier didn’t look much better than June. His eyes were puffy and an angry look curled his mouth. The moment he saw us, he thundered forward, tossing his bag to the light post. “You’re not going to fucking believe this. Some freaks kicked my car in at my cousin’s place. The whole reason I didn’t park here was so it didn’t get fucking—June?” He frowned at her. “What happened to you?”

She hasn’t told him.

A strangled breath exhaled from June, and she stared at him with every bit of loathing she could muster. Zariah wrapped her arm around June’s shoulders again, but I had a feeling it was more about a reminder of the witnesses we had around us than a comforting gesture. I took my place next to her. If we could keep it together and not have a catfight in front of all the other schools, we might have been able to save a shred of our dignity.

The sidewalk was packed. Everyone else was leaving the student center, but I could still feel the tension pulsing from June.

Don’t hit him, June. It’s not worth it.

Tires squealed against the road and I looked in surprise to see a car barreling for us.

I grabbed June and Zariah before thinking and yanked them back on the sidewalk. I didn’t need to. The car came to a smooth stop along the curb, a gorgeous, dark blue Clemenza, rolling up in a perfect arc, like it was parking for an insurance commercial.

My mouth fell open. I was somewhat aware of every mouth falling open.

“What’s up, motherfucking Romans?” Adam called out, letting the top of the car retract with the push of a button. His red hair was sun-kissed in the morning. With a grin, he tapped down his sunglasses. “June, Zariah, Piper. Ladies. I’ve got seats with your names on them.”

“Marrs Manwhore!” Zariah burst into laughter. “Your timing, man! It’s impeccable!”

June breathed out a huge sigh of relief and ran over. “Yes, please.”

We all hopped in with our bags. I couldn’t believe it. I actually couldn’t believe it. Somehow, Adam Russell had gotten a beautiful blue Clemenza and busted it out in front of everybody. But if I couldn’t believe it, Xavier stood in pre-coma shock. He stumbled over to the car and touched the hood with reverence.

“Adam, you’re not going to believe this,” he whispered. “Someone beat in my windows. My Clemenza was totaled.”

“That’s tragic.” Adam’s grin widened, and he turned back to me. “Ice princess?”

“Just tragic,” I agreed, breathless. I didn’t know exactly how I was supposed to be acting. There was a wealth of our coworkers surrounding us. But I kind of felt like laughing and I kind of felt like throwing up my middle finger at Xavier.

“I had to call my insurance company this morning, it’s been a mess,” Xavier continued. “It’s been just…you wouldn’t believe it. And there’s five seats in a Clemenza and I’d really appreciate it if you could just let—”

“I’d love to help, but I don’t see any empty seats, Xavier.” Adam shrugged. “I can’t count an empty seat. Girls, can you?”

“No empty seats,” Zariah confirmed, lounging in the back with her arms behind her head.

“That’s our snack seat,” I added.

Adam threw the car in reverse. “Snack seat! You know how much room those pretzel bags can take up. But have fun in the Predator Mobile! We’ll see you back at Marrs!”

With that, the Clemenza whipped around the parking lot. With the top down, my hair flew all around my face and when I laughed, the laugh flew past me, off to the wind. Zariah and June laughed too, and it was the most beautiful sound in the world. With a quick turn off the main road, we sped away from the conference, off towards our university.

June threw her arms in the air. “Thank you, Adam!”

“Did you see that look on his face?” He chuckled as the car revved up another ten miles an hour. “Fucking hilarious!”

I laughed too. It was a gorgeous morning and so much better than anything the conference had offered. As quick as I could, I leaned towards Adam to murmur a thank you. I wasn’t sure if he heard me. Not with how fast the car raced across the road and the wind whipped past our faces, but I saw the half smile on his face just the same, blinding in the sun.



The Cash Register Race

Off highway forty-four, we drove into a Snack Attack Shack gas station. As a man who stands by his word, getting those snacks for our snack seat became an issue of honor and honesty.

“Sustenance,” I announced solemnly, leaning back to talk to all the occupants in the car. “I plan to do the admirable thing and go scavenge.”

“I’m going too,” Piper said immediately. Her blonde hair had been kicked up in the drive and it fluttered around her face, finally settling down. There was a pink tinge to her cheeks. A spark in her eyes.

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