Page 76 of Playing for Keeps

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Walking down the quiet hallway, I scanned through the photos that the girls sent me for the conference. If someone hadn’t actually been to the conference and just saw the photos, it looked pretty good.

I zeroed in on a single photo, Piper and I in a line together. You couldn’t even tell we were arguing.

“Might as well.” I chuckled, tapping on all of them, to send to coach.



You're Not Going To Believe This

When I woke up, Adam was gone.

Any other morning, I would’ve been overjoyed. I would’ve skipped out of bed and floated to the pathetic grab-and-go breakfast that was designed to be slammed in the trash. But after everything? After beating in a car’s windows, after the pool situation, after the shower—

The shower.

My hand glided to my throat while I lay in bed. I could still feel his hand, locking me against him. His breath on my ear and his words whispered over each other, making the hair on the back of my neck rise. His hard cock against my—

I jerked out of bed and threw back the covers.

Everything of his had been carefully cleaned out of the room. His blankets, his toiletries, the Marrs jersey he’d hung on the back of the chair like someone would’ve asked him for a pick-up game, everything. I tried not to notice it while I put my stuff together.

Where is he?

Minutes passed, and I hurried downstairs. There were lines of resident assistants with their duffel bags, all waiting for our buses and vans to take us back home. And in the corner, lifelessly holding a breakfast burrito, was June.


She looked like death. Her skin was blotchy, her honey blonde hair, usually so bright, looked dull. It’d been tied into a bun but most of it stuck out from the sides of her neck when it fell down. My heart ached just looking at her. Her and the nail polish on her fingers that she chipped off bit by bit after she tossed the rest of the breakfast burrito in the trash.

I approached her slowly like a wary zookeeper. “June?”

Her eyes flickered to mine.

“June?” I tried again, wringing my hands. “I’m so sorry. About everything. I really wanted this trip to work out, and I’m sorry about everything that’s happened.”

“We have to drive together,” she mumbled.

“That’s right.” I winced, remembering Adam and I fighting in the backseat. “The van ride.”

“All of us,” she replied, her voice dead. “Xavier's car was totaled. He’s driving with us to Marrs.”


“But—” I stopped myself. Of course Xavier had to drive with us. His Clemenza was totaled. We totaled it.

We ruined June’s drive back to Marrs University.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but Adam and I swore each other to secrecy. How could I explain this was all our fault again? How could I apologize for another thing we messed up?

Zariah came from the side with three coffees and passed one to me before throwing an arm around June’s shoulders. June shrugged her off just as quickly and nodded to the rest of the Marrs resident assistants around us.

“We’re heading out now,” she said at a negative volume level. “Get your bags.”

I couldn’t believe it. Adam and I had set out to help June and we made it ten times worse. Maybe the two of us were more alike than I thought. It seemed like we couldn’t stop blundering into these situations.

My eyes narrowed when I saw who waited for us on the sidewalk.

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