Page 34 of Playing for Keeps

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"I. Got. It."

"Fine." I shrugged, nonchalant. "Understood. Okay."

"Good." Piper sighed with relief and returned to her paper, rounding past the next length of rope.

I lasted thirty seconds before the question blurted out of me. "So, do you want kids?"

"Oh my god." Piper rubbed her temples. "Yes, I want kids."


"Adam." Piper folded up her paper as we approached the table. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I don’t need to know that you’re single-handedly funding the condom industry. You don’t need to know how many kids I want. We're just coworkers. We don’t need to know these kinds of things about each other. In fact—"

"Ma’am?" The desk assistant raised her eyebrows at her. "Name?"

A flush crept up Piper’s neck, and she hurried to the desk. "I’m so sorry. Piper Fontaine?"

The lady at the desk busied herself through the folders until she came up with a bright green piece of paper. "And Adam Russell?"

"Oh, yes, that’s him. He’ll need his too."

I nodded at her but the desk assistant frowned. She held up the piece of paper. "No, I meant and Adam Russell."

"And?" Piper blinked and took the paper from her.

I understood the situation a lot sooner than she did once I saw the ink. Oh man, now that was fucking funny. I snickered next to her, shouldering the duffel bag and feeling a hell of a lot lighter.

Piper’s mouth fell open. "There has to be some kind of mistake—"

"He was a last-minute addition," the desk assistant apologized, waving us away from the line. I gladly stepped away, but Piper tried to get out of it, pleading.

"Roommate!" I thundered. "You have a class soon!"

Piper squeezed her eyes shut and made a noise at the back of her throat. "This is some sick joke."

"This is a hilarious joke. I don’t know what you mean."

"You—" Piper stopped herself and hurried to Zariah. "We could bunk together."

Zariah tried to console her, and it just made me laugh harder. "Piper, I’m sorry, I have to room with June. We’re doing the inspections together."

"If you need a night alone though," June dropped her voice, "just come on over. We’ve got you."

"What if I need it now?"

"Oh, come on, roomie." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led her to the elevators.

Piper stiffened and slipped away. Her gray eyes flashed with danger. There was a permanent scowl on her lips. It was the funniest development of this entire trip. Honestly, it made the whole thing worth it.

"Don’t worry, I’ll check under your bed for monsters," I reassured her.

"What if the monster’s in my room?" she grumbled.

"Ouch." I put a hand in mock horror to my chest as we stepped into the elevator together, along with fourteen people over the elevator’s limit. "Self-deprecating jokes are often a sign of deeper issues, Piper."

"Self-deprecating?!" she demanded, her mouth wide open.

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