Page 148 of Playing for Keeps

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My phone rang on the couch cushions and I glanced back to stare at it, annoyed. Couldn’t the phone understand that we were in a more pressing conversation at the moment? And couldn’t it understand that I didn’t want to talk to anyone else?

Adam scooped it up and answered the call. "Yeah, what’s up?"

I frowned and stumbled on my walk towards him.

Without missing a beat, Adam reached over and wrapped an arm around my side, holding me up. "Yeah, no worries, be down there in a second."


"We have a lockout," Adam told me and moved me toward another chair. I could only sit for a moment before he reappeared with a hoodie from his gym bag. "Arms up. Come on, ice princess. Arms up."


The hoodie was tugged over my head and Adam was gentle with me through every step, careful to bring my arms out and leaned down to pull my hair through. I tried to touch his face again but Adam stepped back, reaching around to bring me to the door.

"We have a quick lockout to do," he told me. "I need to switch out our fingerprints on the key thing—whatever it’s called—and you can hang out back up here. We’ll just watch movies."

"But…but…?" I frowned. "We’re not…having sex…?"

"No, Piper. You don’t owe me anything."

Pure frustration bit at me. That wasn’t where the conversation was supposed to go but he just had to park us there.

"But I don’t want to go downstairs," I whined.

"It’ll be quick, I promise."

Thinking it over, I sighed. "Can I have a piggyback ride?"

"A what?"

"A piggyback ride? Please?" I gestured towards my tired, exhausted legs that couldn’t possibly hope to carry me. "I’m so sleepy."

Adam gave me the most incredulous look in the world. "Piper, I’m not giving you a piggyback ride. We’re trying to save your job. What if someone took a photo? What if you fell asleep on my back? There’s no way in hell. You’re drunk. I’m not listening to this."



"Please, please, please—"

"There is no way in goddamn hell I’m giving you a piggyback ride tonight," he muttered under his breath. "No way in hell."



Can I Watch?

At eight o’clock at night, last semester, I would’ve been in the middle of downing a shot and getting ready to hit the next party with some of my teammates. This semester? I walked out of the elevator with a five-foot-ten blonde on my back with her arms wrapped around my neck. Giving her a fucking piggyback ride. It wasn’t even a negotiation. Piper asked and I caved in. For each and every lockout and all the other stupid shit we were called for.

I sighed outside of the dorm where the door was practically shaking off its hinges from the music. I slammed my fist against the door.

It opened wide and a lanky kid with horn-rimmed glasses stared at me. “Uh…”

“Turn the damn music down,” I snapped.

Piper leaned up on my back and hiccupped. “Yeah! Turn the music down!”

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