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He didn't say anything though, just came and sat down at my side.

“Now I feel bad,” Latif said, looking at our somber faces. “We just wanted to wait until after Shems was born so that you wouldn't be distracted from Alil.”

“Yes,” Kion agreed. “But that didn't stop you from putting yourself to work, did it?”

Addy frowned and glanced at me, looking more worried than before.

“I only want to make amends...”

“I know,” Kion said kindly. “And I appreciate that you do. That is why we have collectively decided the best place for you is working alongside your brother on these new omega initiatives.”

For a moment, we were both stunned silent.

“But—but I need to be punished,” Addy stammered and I nearly smacked him.

“It will be instrumental to have someone who fought against the changes now working for them,” Kion said. “Perhaps you will sway more alphas into supporting what is to come.”

He swallowed.

“What is coming?”

“I have been dying to tell you!” Latif enthused. “Whenever you have time, I will show you all the new plans and timelines and we can?—”

“Not yet,” Alpha Kion said, chuckling. “He just had a baby. Family comes first.”

“Right,” Latif said, biting his tongue.

There was a long silence.

“Are you sureyou don't want to punish me?”

“Shush Addy, just take it!” I said, and everyone laughed.

The head alpha pushed to his feet, shaking his head.

“I must go, but congratulations on this joyous occasion.”

At the door, he paused and looked back at Addy, eyes twinkling.

“You do know that to most, working with their estranged brother on a project that goes against their beliefs would be considered a punishment in and of itself. It just goes to show how much your opinions have changed.”

He departed, leaving us alone with an enthusiastic Latif.

He hung around, talking about how hard it had been to keep it a secret until Shems started crying and needed to be fed.

I was still getting the hang of the suckling. My chest ached from the swelling even though it wasn't very visible according to Addy. It took a while for him to latch properly but when he did, it was a relief to feel the milk draining.

Addy settled with his arm around me as he had taken to doing and I relaxed back against him. There was something so peaceful about all of us being together.

It had only been about a day, but I was already used to this new version of life and I absolutely loved it.

“I was so afraid all this time,” I mused. “I thought you would take the brunt of the punishment, that you would be hated, and ostracized. Instead, you were given a home, a job with your brother, and a happy life.”

Addy shook his head in wonder.

“I am surprised,” he admitted. “But grateful.”

He kissed my cheek and then the top of Shems' fuzzy head. His hair hadn't calmed down yet and I loved it.

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