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“I didn't want to miss my chance at being with the person I wanted,” I admitted. “Of course, I completely disregarded any immediate consequences.”

I gestured to my flat stomach, feeling suddenly exhausted.

“I see,” Naz finally said, looking between us. “Then... when we reach the city, I will speak on Addy's behalf.”

I felt Addy draw a sharp breath at my side.

“There's no need?—”

I elbowed him.

“Just take it, please.”

He bit his lip and nodded.

“Thank you,” he told Naz.

Naz watched us for a moment, emotions swirling in his eyes. Then, he nodded and turned around, going back to his spot in the driver's seat.

Samar followed, presumably to give us some semblance of privacy.

The moment they weren't looking at us, Addy pulled me into a tight hug and held me and I nearly died of happiness. I had really needed that.

It took a long time for all the tension to finally ease in both of us. When it did, he pulled back and met my gaze, shaking his head as a smile played on his lips.

“All these years...” he mused. “I thought I would fight for my omega. I never knew that my omega would fight for me in return.”

I laughed, surprised, and shook my head.

“We are in this together, Addy,” I told him. “Don't ever feel like you have to take all the burdens.”

His gaze softened.

“Oh, Lili,” he sighed, stroking back my hair. “Promise me that you are done fighting until after the baby is born.”

My stomach fluttered with nerves and nausea at the mention of the little thing. It was still hard to grasp that there was a person growing inside me, but I pushed that aside for now.

“Alright. As soon as it's out though...”

He laughed, leaned in to press his lips to mine and then pulled back, offering me his hand.

I took it and allowed him to lead me back to the others. This time, he pulled me into the back seat next to him, keeping his arm securely around my waist.


. . .


We had to stop with growing frequency for Alil's sake. The bumping and swaying of our buggy did him no favors.

In the end, he rested his head back against my shoulder, kept his eyes shut and breathed slowly, insisting that he was fine whenever any of us asked.

I was still warm inside from the way that Alil had stood up for me. I didn't think I had ever felt so supported, but I hated that he would probably have to do that again and again over time. It was hard to believe that our union wouldn't be the source of gossip.

The sight of Diwan growing in the distance did not help.

The first sun was already starting to set, and we were nearly there, but I didn't feel anything like relief at the idea of finally being home. All I felt were growing nerves as we neared the city.

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