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I would push myself to the limit to get him to a medic or anyonewho knew what to do with a pregnant omega.

He didn't even feel that heavy at first.

But as the hours dragged on, my arms and legs began to tire. Plus, my tail seemed forever in the way of his makeshift sled. It was constantly running over the tip of my tail until I had to hold it out to the side at an awkward angle until my lower back began to ache.

I looked into the distance, desperate to see any sign of civilization.

There was something there. It didn't look quite like the city though.

Frowning, I squinted at the dark shadow across the horizon before my heart sank with the realization that it was the jungle.

“Dammit,” I muttered.

“What is it?” Alil asked at once.

I wondered if I should tell him but quickly realized that I couldn't lie to him.

“We've veered slightly to the west,” I said, sighing. “I can see the edge of the jungle.”

He didn't say anything and when I glanced over my shoulder, he was looking off into the distance trying to make it out.

“Don't worry,” I said. “It won’t add much to our journey. At least we can use it as a guide to head in the right direction.”

“It will lead us home,” he agreed.

We both fell silent again, but that meant there was nothing to concentrate on other than the pain shooting through my back. I tried not to let my wincing show and just kept walking until I was sure Alil must have fallen asleep back there.

“I feel much better now,” he suddenly said, making me jump. “Stop for a moment so that I can stand.”

I did, relieved to have a moment's rest.

When Alil stood though, he was wrapped up in the blankets and looked worse than when we had started.

“You lied,” I said.

“Yes, well, you needed a break,” he agreed nonchalantly. “Sit down for a minute.”

“We don't have an extra minute, Lili, you need a medic.”

He frowned, gritting his teeth.

“This baby is already ruining everything,” he hissed.

Shocked, I didn't know what to say for a moment.

“I thought...”

I didn't continue. I had thought that Alil was excited about having a baby but, I realized, he had never said that he was. He had only complained about having to leave.

“Do you not want the child?” I asked uneasily. If that was the case, he was going to be unhappy for this whole pregnancy, maybe even longer.

“It's not that,” he said, his angry frown turning into a pout. “I just want someone to blame, I suppose. I feel sicker than I ever have. I am extremely dizzy and faint. I can't keep food down. I had to leave our oasis before I was ready, and we couldn't even enjoy the last bit of time that we had alone together.”

“Lili,” I murmured, stepping up to him and engulfing him in my arms. “I'm sorry.”

He leaned into my embrace, and I could feel him trembling.

“On top of that,” he went on, his voice muffled against my chest, “now you are in discomfort too, dragging my tail all the way across the desert because I'm useless.”

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