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“We will each capture an unmated omega. We will bring them to a meeting place that has yet to be determined.”

My heart was thudding so hard, I could barely hear past it.

I glanced at the other two.

Fari did not look remotely surprised by the news. He must have been privy to the plan before this moment. Perhaps he had even suggested it. Ossad on the other hand now stared into the fire with clenched fists.

He looked up at Kazm and to my shock, he seemed angry.

“How?” he demanded. “How will we take an omega away from their guardians on the busiest night of the year? We will be skinned for trying.”

The thought of it alone made me flex my claws. I was prepared to stand in protest, yet I hadn’t considered fighting against those who stood in my way. At least, not like this. Not in the dark while taking their omegas…

“Have faith, my friend,” Kazm said, grinning like he’d expected this.

I must have looked nervous because he met my eyes with just as much easy humor.

“We will use the noise, celebration and darkness to assist us,” Fari explained.


“During the lights show,” he went on. “When everyone’s attention is pointing up, we will sneak behind our chosen omegas and take them at just the moment the show ends. The darkness that follows will be blinding enough for you to pull them away before you are noticed.”

I shook my head. Though it pained me to admit it, many of the omegas would be too skilled to take away easily.

“It won’t work,” I said. “They’ve all been attending self-defence lessons with the human omega, Devin. He has taught them to fight in a way that is not conducive to our styles.”

“Then we shall have to move fast. Start behind them. Don’t let them suspect you until you already have them.”

Fari went into detail, explaining methods he had thought up to get them away, to move them while there was too much noise to hear if they should scream.

It seemed… dirty.

Disappointment washed over me as I realized the truth.

“I cannot take part in this,” I said regretfully. “I was prepared to sacrifice myself, for each alpha to be allowed a chance to win an omega again. For the auctions to be returned to the symbolic status they once were. For respect to be given to those who were matched by fate the real way. I am not willing to take what isn’t mine…”

I frowned and then looked up at Kazm, confused.

“Is that not the whole point of this?” I asked. “I thought we wanted balance to be restored. Alpha’s leading omegas, not taking them by force.”

“My child,” Kazm said sadly. “You are younger than us. You have not fought in the auctions and seen the disrespect firsthand. We three were all in Latif’s auction, willing to be life mates with him.”

I nodded. I knew that of course, that was what had brought us all together.

“For drastic change, we will need to take drastic measures.”

“And don’t misunderstand,” Fari jumped in. “We won’t be mating with these omegas, we will only use them as leverage. To make our voices heard.”

“Right now, no one will listen to us,” Kazm added. “But once we convince the omegas of our ways, the rest will listen too.”

Somehow, his words were starting to make sense.

“So, we won’t mate them. We will only convince them of our values?”

“Yes, of course,” Kazm agreed. “We shall spoil them, show them what an alphas affection could truly feel like, remind them why it was better how it was before… perhaps you already have someone in mind?”

I swallowed, because the moment he said it, Alil’s face flew to my mind.

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