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I warmed at his praise, excitement brewing in me as I watched the fire grow.

Fari began to whisper something quietly in Kazm’s ears, so I turned my attention to Ossad, who was now lying wood over the freshly sparked flames.

“I ran into my brother on the way here,” I told him.

His sharp pink gaze flew up to my face at once.

“What did he have to say?” he asked.

“That I should forgive him and understand him,” I snorted. “He said that now that the mating is complete I should forget about the rest.”

Ossad was the strong and silent type of alpha, but his expressions spoke louder than words could. Both of his brows rose, and he shook his head.

“Some omegas,” he muttered under his breath.

“Exactly,” I enthused. “I can’t wait until we can finally put them back in their place.”

“Soon,” Fari promised.

They always said that.

“Yes, I know. But soon is not soon enough.”

“Is the double new-moon not close enough for you?” Kazm asked with a knowing smile.

My gaze flew to his face, searching, making sure he was not joking.

It was a rare occurrence for the cycles of both moons to fall on the same night. It took a year to come again each time, and in less than seven days, the New Moon Festival would take place on that, the darkest night of the year.

His smile said it all. It was finally happening.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

I nodded fervently.

“Yes, yes, yes.”

The other three laughed.

“Then, listen closely,” Fari said.

Finally done with the fire, Ossad took a spot on the other side of it, and we all leaned around its warm, orange glow as everything we had spent months talking about finally became real.

“Before I explain my final decision, I must know that I have your full support,” Kazm said.

I was nodding before he was even finished speaking.

“From this point on, what we do will not only be frowned upon, but it will also be considered illegal by the alpha council and most likely by many of the citizens of Diwan and the surrounding villages.”

He made eye-contact with each of us, his strong white eyes searching each of us for weakness. When his gaze met mine, I held it. I had no hesitation within me. I didn’t care if no one else agreed now. We would make them see that our way, the traditional way, was the right one.

“The human ideals have spread like a disease on our planet. Already so many omegas have fallen to their beliefs. Our own people have supported them, but worst of all, our own Alpha Council, those who are meant to support and lead us, have not only accepted their ways, but continue to find ways to change the very fundamentals of our culture.

“It is time to take back what is ours… starting with the precious omegas themselves. They are being blinded by new ideas, let us remind them of what is right.”

A tingle ran down my spine. I felt my spikes lift as though in danger as a strange, unfriendly feeling washed over me.

I knew what he was going to say just before he said it.

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