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“Be careful,” I warned. “They're sharp.”

He rolled his eyes.

“I’m sure that's what every alpha thinks.”

“It's true though,” I said, wiggling out of reach. “Okay, maybe you would have to rub your skin against them with some force, but it's still possible. Better to be safe.”

Alil hummed thoughtfully.

“Truthfully, you are a rather big, intimidating alpha.”

I couldn't resist leaning closer and stealing a quick kiss.

My heart raced. It was still shocking that I could do that.

Alil's gaze darkened.

“That feels so nice,” he breathed.

He leaned in for another and I met him halfway. For a long time, our food was forgotten as we kissed, tentatively tasting each other's lips. Literally.

When I touched my tongue to his lips, Alil gasped, drawing back to give me a wide-eyed look before suddenly I was being pulled onto the blanket on top of him.

He yanked me down, pressing his lips hungrily to mine, his arms tight around my neck so I couldn't pull away this time, not that I was planning to.

I moaned, leaning half my weight down on him, not yet letting him feel my hard length as I slid my tongue out again. This time, his lips parted and we both moaned as I slipped between them.

Our tongues touched, rubbing together sensually.

My cock was so hard, I didn't think I could take it. Did it always border on pain? Was that why Alil had been so desperate for release? Or was it because this was my first proper erection in years and the first time I would ever use it with someone else?

It was nearly hard to breathe, but I couldn't pull back. I was intoxicated by his mouth and the warmth of his body under me.

I shifted, desperate to press my length against him, but the moment I did, my tail hit something, and there was a clatter somewhere behind me.

We parted on a gasp, and both looked over.

Luckily, I had only knocked over the plate of flat bread.

“Its fine,” Alil said, pulling me back in for another kiss.

I returned it, but dragged myself away after a moment.

“We're going to end up rolling around in food,” I told him, extracting myself from his arms.

I went about collecting the plates, carefully placing them back onto the log, using it as a makeshift table.

“How is it that you're the responsible one now?” Alil wondered aloud.

I chuckled and glanced back at him, about to tell him that he was thinking with his cock, but my mouth went dry at the sight of him.

He was disheveled, his lips swollen, gaze dark with desire and his cock was hard, just like mine, tenting the front of his robe.

Oh Goddess, that was all mine now. Every part of him belonged to me and he owned me completely in return.

Breath caught in my throat, I crawled toward him, not stopping until I was over top of him.

He took a shuddering breath and remained still, waiting to see what I would do.

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