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His gaze clouded with emotions, and I knew he was feeling as overwhelmed as I was right now.

He shifted closer but then pulled back just as I swayed toward him. He had such lovely lips and I saw how his gaze was fixed on mine, but neither of us tried to close the distance for a moment.

One of us had to move forward, but it seemed we were both too scared to make the first move. Perhaps that was why the alpha council was usually present, to direct the new couple.

Our entire lives hung on this kiss, and it was not something to take lightly. But the alternative—a life without Addy, was too much to bear. So, I reached out, laced my fingers into the front of his robe and pulled him to meet me halfway.

Our lips met in a light brush for a split second that made me gasp and my entire body tingle before Addy suddenly pressed closer.

For a moment, I saw his dusky orange lashes and then my eyes fluttered shut and all that existed was his mouth.

He moved them gently against mine, feeling my lips with his, reminding me to move and I followed the gentle slide and brush until Addy pulled back.

He didn't go far. He couldn't, I was still clinging to the front of his robe, but we parted far enough for our gazes to meet.

It was strange. I had always thought Addy was gorgeous, but somehow, he had never been as beautiful as in this moment, watching me with his gaze filled with love.

“We did it,” I whispered, and he nodded, looking as dazed as I felt.

“Can we do it again?” he asked.

I nodded eagerly as he swept me into his arms, his lips seeking mine once more.


. . .


With one brush of lips, everything had changed.

The feeling was so strange, so final, yet so peaceful. Like I had unknowingly been standing on a boat and now was on solid ground for the first time.

Alil's soul soothed me. He had always been like a balm to me, but suddenly his presence felt like a tonic that had been swallowed down and now worked from the inside out.

The way I felt hadn't changed, yet it had completely at the same time. The biggest change of which was that I now knew I was not alone.

I was not me. I was us.

Whatever we faced from now on would be together and that was a good thing. It made me feel stronger.

And yes, holding him in my arms, made my body feel in a way that it hadn't ever before, butthere was no rush now because I knew we would have forever.

“Come,” I said. “Let us have our feast.”

Alil blinked, clearly having forgotten the effort I'd gone to earlier. He looked over at the picnic spread out on a blanket, ready for us and smiled.

Then, taking my hand in his, he led me over to the spread and sat, gingerly pulling me down next to him.

Neither of us seemed to know what to say, but every time our eyes caught, Alil was smiling, a sweet, silly smile, that he could not hold back and my heart felt like it was going to burst.

“Do you like it?” I asked, watching him take a bite of the desert I'd made. It was a simple classic, made of some of the berries I'd found in the oasis mixed with a syrup, the ingredients of which were in our shelf.

“It taste's as good as my grandmother's,” he informed me, watching me curiously. “For an alpha, you are an incredible cook.”

“What do you mean, for an alpha?” I teased. “Do you think we can do nothing but fight?”

“Well, yes,” he said, laughing and reached out, trailing his fingertips over the jagged spikes on my shoulder blade.

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