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Surprised, I looked at him.

In the burst of red light from the firecracker, I could make out the crease between his brows, a look of worry on his face.

I glanced around, finding all eyes turned up to the lights.

“After,” I said, but he shook his head.

“Just us,” he whispered.

When I froze, he went on desperately.

“Please Lili, its important.”

Hearing the childish nickname from years ago on his lips now made me gasp and pull back.

It had been a long time since Addy had been so familiar with me.

I searched his gaze, wondering what was going on. A million things flew to my mind but what made the most sense was that he had gotten into some sort of trouble and didn't know who to turn to.

He was fighting with Latif. By all accounts, his friends were a bad influence. They had probably got him into a situation he couldn’t handle on his own.

He should talk to his parents about whatever had happened. It was doubtful that I could do anything to help him, but despite myself, I was flattered that he wanted to turn to me.

“How?” I asked under my breath.

“When the sky goes dark, meet me in the alley south of here. Behind the market.”

I stared.

He was crazy. How was I supposed to go meet him alone? Even if it wasn't dangerous for me, how would I get away from my parents?

Without waiting for my reply, he stood and left.

That drew attention from the others, who glanced at his retreating back curiously, but no one went after him.

My heart was racing. My hands were already shaking. I couldn't concentrate on anything.

When the last song started, I suddenly turned to my om-mother and grabbed her arm.

“I need to use the restroom desperately,” I said, surprising myself with the lie.

She glanced at me.

“Can’t you hold it until the end of the show?”

I shook my head and she sighed and pushed to her feet.

“Come on, I'll take you.”

My stomach was in knots as we worked our way through the crowd. This was a terrible idea, but I couldn't back out now, despite myself.

When we reached the outhouses, I hesitated at the door and looked at my om-mother.

For a moment, guilt overwhelmed me, but I pushed it aside.

“You can watch the show from here,” I said. “I will only be a minute.”

“Take your time,” she told me. “We can avoid getting caught in the crowd if we leave from here, anyway.”

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