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I walked the streets of Diwan, my clawed toes unconsciously digging into my sandals and the hard beaten path as I went. My body always tensed from top to bottom when I was on my way to meet the others of my group. We were going to change the world, although no one knew that yet.

Anticipation had become my main emotion, and nothing fuelled me more than these secret meetings...

I was supposed to act as though nothing was amiss, but carrying on with everyday life when I knew what was to come was making me itch more by the day.

I could no longer take keeping my mouth shut and my eyes averted from the changes being made to our core society.

Ant to think, all this chaos was because of my brother Latif and his mate Blaine. Sure, the first two humans to integrate got the ball rolling, but Latif had taken everything to an unacceptable new level.

Thingsdidhave to change, but not the way that the alpha council was doing it. Not the way my own brother was doing it.


I froze at the sound of Latif's voice behind me just as I thought of him.

Slowly, I turned, realizing that I had just happened to be passing his new home . I'd been so distracted by my thoughts that I'd barely noticed.

He came to a stop just as I turned around to face him. He'd obviously run to catch up with me.

There was something about Latif now that he was mated that was different. He seemed lighter on his feet, his eyes appeared brighter, and his scales even shined more vibrantly. He'd cut his blue hair and it now hung around his cheekbones. Apparently he liked the ridiculous human style even though it constantly bounced around his face in such a needlessly distracting way.

I'd heard our parents talk about how happy he looked. I supposed he did, but the sight of him made me feel sick.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“To see my friends.”

I could hear the defensive tone to my voice. Latif reacted subtly, his gaze dropping to the ground while he schooled his features. It was no secret to me that he knew I was unhappy with him. That Ihadbeen ever since that disgusting display in the library and the farce he'd made of our society afterwards by marrying the human alpha when there were so many nassa alphas in need of omegas. That auction had been a joke.

“Well,” he finally said, “would you mind coming inside first?”

I shuffled from foot to foot, wanting to argue without being outright hateful. I had to play along for now. That was what Kazm had said, and his word was one I respected more than anyone else's.

“Why?” I asked. “My friends are waiting for me.”

“Your friends can wait a bit longer,” Latif said. He was so bossy for an omega. Where had our parents gone so wrong? Or was it his brash nature that was to blame? Or was it me? As his sibling and as an alpha, it had been my responsibility to watch over him too.

No. I wouldn't continue to blame myself.

“Please?” he asked. “I only want a few minutes of your time. Things haven't been the same between us since...”

I grit my teeth. Then, mostly because I wanted to avert suspicion with anyone who may see us talking, I nodded.

He looked so relieved and excited that I nearly felt guilty that I was only doing this for show.

“Come!” he said, eagerly taking my hand and pulling me after him.

I followed grudgingly, almost feeling like I was betraying my cause by entering the home of Latif and the human alpha.

“It’s all set up how I wanted it,” Latif explained as we entered. “Blaine was rather indifferent, but humans like more privacy than Nassa do, alpha or not, so we installed this door onto the bedroom.”

I glanced around, taking it in.

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