Page 102 of Hurt Me Not

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“She’s worked very hard, Easton. You should be proud.” I squeezed his knee.

“It’s hot,” Milo whined from beside me.

“Well, it’s June, and that means summer weather.” I laughed and handed him a bottle of water.

Jim and Trish were sitting on the hot bleachers with us, their baby girl happily bouncing on her lap. Easton did end up having a long talk with the two of them, and it was the best thing for their friendship. Ever since then, they spent Sundays at the house and when little May was born, they’d asked Easton and me to be godparents. That was awkward since I had no idea what that meant and had zero documentation with any church and had needed to call in some favors to make it happen. I was happy I did. May was a delight, and Jim and Trish were wonderful people.

Milo required a few infusions in the last five years, but for the last year he’d been on a medication that kept his counts stable. He’d never be like regular kids, or even a regular adult…but who wanted to be normal anyway?

To Easton’s right, my mother sat with Blodwyn and Vesper. All of them were smiling and excited to see Tru take that next step in life.

Zephyr disappeared after the battle on Amaris Mountain. Mother had explained that he had a journey of his own to take and wherever he was, I hoped he was happy.

Manchineel, well, he was bound to the fae realm, as was his army. The court had granted him freedom with prejudice, which meant he wouldn’t be stripped or imprisoned, but he’d be confined for a millennium, and then he’d be reassessed.

“I’m so proud of her. And to get a full scholarship to her first pick? Damn, that girl has her stuff together.”

“Pomp and Circumstance” started and everyone shot to their feet, cameras in hand to get a snap of their graduate.

Easton’s grin couldn’t get any wider, and I loved the lines beside his eyes.

Aging was something he thought about often. He didn’t want to die, or the kids to die and leave me alone in the world. It was something I didn’t want either but had no solid answer for.

My mother had spoken of a place where bonds were made connecting lifespans, and Daisy had taken it upon herself to head the expedition to find it. That was two years ago.

She messaged every so often, nothing new, but she had been optimistic in her last conversation and that filled me with hope.

Tru came into view, and the hooting and hollering began. I made sure to get a ton of pictures since all Easton could do was shout her name and wave…such a dad.

I often thought about that day five years ago when I was called into an emergency room because of a scared boy. I’d had no idea that day would turn my world upside down in the best way possible.

Sometimes, if someone was injured or sick they’d ask me to help. Sometimes I did, but not often. Once Milo wanted to know why, and I’d simply said, “We can’t erase all the pain; otherwise we’ll never know when we’re hurt.”

It wasn’t always easy. We struggled. For the next hundred years, I had to go to the fae realm as part of my punishment and agree to royal duties. I would be gone for a month sometimes and Easton despised it, but the alternative wasn’t an option.

Easton and Milo were officially labeled dreamers, and the courts allowed them to stay as they were under my supervision and my mother’s. Tru, well, I put my foot down there. She’d been tormented by Amaris, and it was easy to argue on her behalf. The Koopers kept their memories and were safe.

No one had heard from or of Arachnis, and my stupid heart ached for him. Vesper rolled his eyes every time I inquired about him.

“He brought this on himself.”

“No, Vesper, he wanted Father to love him, and for that love he’d do anything.”

“He tried to kill Easton…twice.”

That always poured ice water on the argument.

When Tru’s name was called and she walked across the stage, I felt it then…sadness. It was a bittersweet moment. She was grown, leaving to forge her own path, leaving us behind.

“You okay, Finch?” Milo held my hand.

I smiled, tears blurring my vision. “Just my heart…it’s breaking a little.”

Milo moved closer. He was taller now, almost my height. He rested his head on my shoulder and placed his other hand on my heart. He whispered three tiny words close to my ear, and while it wouldn’t work, his intent was pure.

“Hurt me not.”

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