Page 84 of Forever

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She let herself into the house quietly, shutting the door and sliding the lock into place, slipping off her shoes and tiptoeing through the corridor towards the back bedroom. She paused in the door, her daughter’s sleeping body tightening something in her heart, as it always did. Harper was the most important thing in Skye’s world. She would never regret the circumstances that had led to her existence.

She crept into the bedroom and pressed a kiss to Harper’s sleeping forehead. Despite the cool of the night, she had a little perspiration there from how warmly she was bundled up. Her favourite pajamas were a thick flannelette, and she’d added fluffy socks for good measure. Skye eased the socks from her feet with an indulgent smile, kissed her forehead once more and left the room.

When Skye had been a teenager, her parents had built an extra bathroom on the back of the house. Not large, not luxurious, but enough for her to use. They hadn’t had a lot of money, but they’d loved her silly. Now that she was a mom, she understood that. What wouldn’t she do for Harper?

She undressed quickly, but with each brush of her hands over her body, memories surfaced, and her body was so sensitive that the water from the shower was like some kind of aphrodisiac. She let out a soft moan, and grinned like the cat who’d got the cream. She almost couldn’t believe she’d done it.

It had felt so good to break the ‘rule’ that Jay had set for her, to thumb her nose at his awful, controlling ways. Even now, two years after their breakup, how could he think he had any rights over what she did with her life?

She replayed every delicious moment from the night as she showered until the water ran cold. Every kiss, every touch, every whisper and word. And she remembered the promises they’d made each other, that it was just for this one week. One perfect, sensual week. It was like the balm she hadn’t known she needed, and that she definitely deserved. She was going to make the most of every lovely minute…

Even though she needed the money and had a policy of accepting any and all work she could, when Susanna asked her to do a double shift the next night, Skye barely hesitated before saying she couldn’t. She was already on tenterhooks, counting down the minutes until she could get to Leandro again. Her whole body was in a form of agony. Somehow, having been with him and felt that perfection made it so much harder to wait. She wanted more of him. All of him. And tonight, her shift finished an hour earlier. Too late to get home in time to see Harper, but early enough to give them a bit longer.

She texted her mom and said she was working later, to cover someone else, and slipped into the backseat of Leandro’s car with a spring in her step.

Back in his luxurious apartment building, she crossed into the lift with the feeling that her insides were being battered by butterflies. She rode the elevator to his floor and stepped out with alacrity, slipping off her shoes and placing her handbag beside them. She looked around just as he emerged from the kitchen, not smiling, his features locked in an expression of urgency.

He moved quickly towards her and drew her to him, kissing her with a passion that took her breath away. Literally. She could hardly breathe, and she didn’t care. She kissed him back with the same hunger, the same need, and yet it still surprised her when he lifted her to the sofa instead of the bedroom, his body over hers powerful and strong, his kisses so desperate—as if they hadn’t been together in months, not just twenty four hours. But didn’t she feel exactly the same? Wasn’t her own body crying out for him again already?

He swore as he tried to remove her clothes and found her dress wouldn’t give.

“There’s a zip,” she mumbled against his mouth. “Here.” Her fingers gestured to the sides. He undid and removed the dress in one motion and then tumbled her breasts from her bra as he had that night in the hotel, groaning as he buried his face between them first then moved his attention to one, and then the other. His tongue rolled her nipple, his fingers tormented her, his whole body was an object of intense power. She groaned as her own hands fumbled with his clothes, removing his shirt, then his pants and boxers, until they were both naked, on the sofa, a tangle of limbs and passion.

Only, for all its decadence, the sofa wasn’t huge, and Leandro was a tall guy. His legs slipped off the edge and she needed more than that. She went with him to the floor, only he moved, catching her waist and shifting her, so her elbows were on the return of the sofa, her body bent over it.

“I want you like this,” he murmured, his hands on her butt cheeks, cupping them, worshipping them. “Okay?”

She couldn’t believe it, but tears actually clawed at her throat. Every time Leandro showed himself to be thoughtful and respectful, she was reminded forcibly of how Jay had let her down, time and time again, and she’d come to expect it.

She nodded, a little bleary eyed, not trusting her voice to emerge unscathed.

She heard the tell-tale rip of a condom and groaned as he entered her. It was so different to last night. This, being taken from behind, was so intimate, so absolutely all-encompassing, and when he brought his hands around to her front and cupped her breasts, she thought she might spontaneously combust.

“God, Leandro,” she groaned, wiggling her hips, and he laughed darkly, moving a hand to her sex, brushing his fingers there as he moved in and out, his rhythm a sign of how desperate he was, how desperate she was too. With a pulse that was unreliably fast, she cried out, pleasure rushing through her, and he knew. He must have felt the way her muscles were spasming around his length, because he paused to give her time to ride the wave, to feel it in every inch of her body, to revel in its perfection, before he started to move again, this time building to a crescendo with her. It was fast and it was desperate, and it was everything she’d ever needed from a lover.

He kissed her right where her spine met her neck, a butterfly kiss, light enough to make her body cover with goosebumps, and then he pulled away from her. She slumped forward on the sofa, her body too weak to move.

“I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” she said on a soft laugh. When she opened her eyes, he was in the kitchen, but staring at her. Her skin prickled with goosebumps again.

So many men had told her she was beautiful, but he was the only one to really make her feel it, inside and out. Pleasure radiated through her. Finally, she shifted to stand, looking around for her clothes.

She pulled on her underpants but before she could add her bra, he spoke, his voice a husky growl.

“Would you mind not?”

She glanced at him.

“I just want to look at you,” he said with a shrug.

Heat flushed her cheeks. He came around the kitchen bench and stalked across to her. “You are a work of art.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m really not.”

But she dropped her bra to the floor anyway, blinking up at him. A week ago, if anyone had told her any of this was going to happen, if anyone had told her she was going to act this way, she’d have said absolutely not. But something about Leandro was totally overwhelming and he’d somehow morphed her into a different person, who was capable of living a totally different life. Just for a little while.


Was she?

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