Page 125 of Forever

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But it was too soon to feel relieved. In that moment, she was still numb to the reality of what had taken place. All she could think about was Harper. She climbed into the back of the van, intending to ride to hospital with her, and barely noticed when Leandro joined her. Not because he wasn’t welcome, but because she simply expected him to follow. It just felt right for him to go wherever she went. She needed him. She needed him always, but that was especially true tonight.

Three days later, Harper was given a clean bill of health, and they returned home to find that her parents’ house had been converted into a suburban outpost of Fort Knox. A new security system, new doors, discreet cameras, better gates and a fence had changed the whole look of the house, but not for the worse. It was evident that this had been done quickly and well, and it had undoubtedly cost a fortune. She didn’t have to think very hard to imagine who’d overseen the work.

“I need to know you’re safe,” Leandro said, when Skye pushed him on it the same afternoon as she returned home.

After getting Harper into the hospital, he’d sat with her long enough to make sure she was okay, long enough to make sure Skye had what she needed and then he’d left.

Had he thought she wanted him to?

Or had he simply grown bored?

No, that didn’t make sense.

Now she could see how he’d been busying himself.

“I am safe. You heard the detective. He’s going to prison.”

Leandro didn’t respond immediately. “Are you free tonight?”

It was such a strange question. She shook her head. She was free, but she couldn’t leave Harper. Not again. Possibly not ever.

“I wondered if you and Harper would join me for dinner?”

Her eyes fluttered closed.

“Or I can come to you.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to say ‘no’. Too complicated. Too much baggage. But he’d done so much for her. Surely she owed him at least a ‘thank you’. And wasn’t that better done face to face?

“Okay,” she said slowly. “We can come to you.”

“I’ll send Alec.”

She didn’t argue.


“Great.” His relief was palpable. “I’ll see you tonight.”

She nodded, even when he couldn’t see her. “See you then.”

It was a little like stepping back in time. Alec collected them, drove them to the fancy apartment building, swiped them into the lift, and up they went, Harper’s little hand clutched firmly in Skye’s, Bunny in Harper’s other. The doors pinged open, and Leandro was there, an easy smile on his face that she suspected was for Harper’s benefit.

“Hello there,” he crouched down to Harper’s height. “It’s good to see you, young lady.”

Harper grinned. Skye’s heart twisted.

“Are you hungry?”

“Actually, she’s already eaten,” Skye said. “She’s still a little worn out. I was just going to read her a book then pop her in bed, if that’s okay?”

He stood, his eyes flashing to Skye’s. He moved closer, lifting a hand to her cheek, stroking it gently. “You never have to consult me when it comes to doing what is right by your daughter. She comes first, always.”

Skye’s throat thickened. She blinked away and nodded.

“Come,” he gestured to the lounge. “Have a seat.”

He poured some mineral water and a small mug of warm milk, handing it to Harper. She took a sip gratefully then placed it down on the glass table to the left, before snuggling into Skye. They read the same book twice, and Skye was aware of the way Leandro’s gaze was on her, the way he watched her as though she was doing something so much more complex and amazing than simply reading a story. Afterwards, she stood up. Harper was drowsy.

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