Page 124 of Forever

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“Can I speak to Harper? She doesn’t have bunny, and I want to let her know I’ll take care of bunny until she’s home.”

“She’s not coming home.” Jay’s voice switched to ruthless and detached again. He sounded like a mad man.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re coming to me. Both of you.”

“Okay. Tell me where and I’ll come to you.”

His laugh was deranged. “Do you think I’m stupid, Skye? Not yet. I’m not ready to forgive you yet. You can wait a few days. Maybe a week or two. See how it feels to be treated like dirt. When I decide it’s time, I’ll text you an address.”

“No, Jay?—,”

But he’d hung up the call. Skye’s fingers were shaking too much to blink her own phone off so Leandro reached down and did it. She tilted her face to the technician’s, her features so drawn it broke Leandro’s heart.

“Well?” She whispered. “Did you find him?”

The technician studied the screen for so long that Leandro wanted to shake him. But then, the young guy turned to the room. “Yeah. I think we’ve got him.” A moment later, an address was texted to the phones of every security agent in the room. They passed it onto the local police.

“Come on,” Leandro said. “Ride with me.” He grabbed Bunny as they walked out the door.


IT WAS THE LONGEST ten minutes of Skye’s life. She stood by the car, with Leandro on one side of her and Max the other, Alec just behind, as they waited for the police to emerge from the warehouse.

She should have guessed he’d come here, only she’d never known the exact address, only that Jay shipped things through a place in the Bronx.

The police had told her to wait where she was. She knew why. She’d seen enough shows to understand they were worried about what they’d find inside.

She was so afraid she thought she might buckle. Her knees wouldn’t stop knocking, and it was only Leandro’s arm around her waist that held her steady. Her heart was in panic mode. Every part of her was.

“This is taking too long,” she groaned, shaking her head. “Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong.”

But then, the police detective who’d counselled Skye through the phone call stepped out of the warehouse and in her arms, she held a small bundle of arms and legs, a perfect little toddler, sleeping. She hoped sleeping? The detective smiled at Skye though, so finally, she breathed out, and she sobbed, and Leandro squeezed her side before setting her free to run across the car park to her daughter.

“Oh, thank God,” she cried, reaching out for Harper, who remained asleep.

“She’s sedated,” the detective said gently.

“What? Why?”

“She was crying, apparently.” The detective’s lips flattened into a line.

“Oh, God. Is she okay?”

“She will be. The paramedics will check her out now, okay?”

Skye nodded, but anger was replacing fear. “Where is he?”

The detective carried Harper across the parking lot to one of the ambulances. Leandro was with her the whole way. They didn’t talk, but she was so grateful to him for being there.

“Where’s Jay?”

“He’s being read his rights,” she said. “He sedated your child, pointed his gun at police officers?—,”

“He has a gun?” She swore softly.

“He’ll be in prison for a long time to come, Skye. You don’t need to worry about him again.”

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