Page 65 of Memories of You

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The line went dead, and I pocketed my phone, feeling a curious mixture of pride and yearning. The latter, no doubt, tied to the fluttering image of Stella on a Calypso Key beach, sun-kissed and carefree. Or manning the booth at the Sea and Sand Festival. Shaking my head to dispel the thoughts, I turned to face the day, knowing it would take more than a successful career to fill the void she left.

I stepped off the boat with a sense of resolve that was as clear and sharp as the morning air. I was headed toward a full day, yet all I could think about was Stella and the conversation we were long overdue to have. I was willing to give her a gesture of my love, my dedication. But I needed one back if this relationship was going to work.

Tonight. I’d call her tonight.

The thought alone made my heart race, but it was a risk I had to take. I turned for one last look at my boat—the vessel that had been both my sanctuary and the symbol of my freedom. It had seen me through some of the loneliest nights, cradling me in solitude while my thoughts churned with memories of Stella. Now, it bore witness to the determination to make those memories real. It was time to shed the shell of the past and reach for what I wanted most.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and strode toward my car. I clung to that courage like a lifeline. After work, I was either going to win back the love of my life or make a complete fool of myself. But no matter the outcome, I’d know I had given it my all.

For Stella.

For us.

And for the future I wanted more than anything.

Chapter Thirty


The warmth of the sun soaked through my skin as I sat on the pool patio, sipping coffee that had lost its steam long ago. The Big House was quiet except for the occasional chirp of a bird hidden in the trees above. It was late morning, but the day felt like it had already stretched much further.

My alarm had gone off much too early, but I’d trudged down the hill with bleary eyes. The dark pre-dawn air had seemed thick with anticipation as I placed the two orchids on the patio outside Orchid’s dark entrance. They would be noticeable when the area became fully light, but not so obvious the thief would realize they were a lure. At least I hoped so. My heart was hammering.

True to form, sleep evaded me once I crawled back into bed, leaving me tossing and turning in a tangle of sheets. My phone vibrated at seven, tearing me from my restless thoughts. Hunter’s message on the screen was terse, a stark contrast to the chaos in my head.

Hunter: In position. Don’t go near Orchid. I’ll handle it.

His words were meant to be reassuring, but they only fueled my impatience. I wanted to be there, in the thick of the action, not sidelined. But I also knew when to follow orders like a good soldier. With a snort, I dragged myself out of bed, foregoing any attempt at further sleep.

I’d been camped out on the patio ever since, my breakfast picked over and each sip of coffee an attempt to drown the turmoil inside me. A run on the treadmill in Evan’s gym would have probably been a good idea, but I seemed stuck in this weird limbo like I was frozen on the patio. In a bid for distraction, I indulged in a delicious fantasy of Ben Coleridge in handcuffs. It was petty, maybe, but imagining his downfall made me think all this work might be worth it.

I took another sip, letting the liquid slide down my throat, and forced my attention away from the churning thoughts of Ben and onto the other major issue ahead. Aiden. My chest tightened at the mere idea of bridging the gap between us. The silence from his end was still deafening, a reminder that if things were going to change, it would have to start with me. And maybe not an undeserved reminder.

“Stella, up and about already?” Evan’s voice interrupted my musings as he approached, his tone light but tinged with surprise.

I glanced up to find him dressed in crisply pressed slacks and a staff polo shirt, Calypso Key’s logo stitched over his heart. Mr. General Manager in action.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I said, offering a tight-lipped smile. “Apparently, my body thought the morning was just too beautiful to sleep through.”

He nodded, then tilted his head, examining me with those perceptive eyes that missed nothing. “You sure everything’s okay?”

“I’ve got some things going on,” I said, the qualm of guilt for keeping him in the dark about Hunter’s plan twisting uncomfortably in my stomach. “We’ll talk more later. I don’t want to keep you.”

“Things to do with Aiden?”

“Some of them, yes.”

He nodded. “Aaah. This must be the day for the big sting. That what’s got you worked up?”

My mouth hinged open. “Hunter told me not to tell anyone! You know?”

“He got on a conference call with me and Gabe to give us a heads-up but was vague on the when.”

I relaxed in my chair. “Good. I didn’t like the idea of keeping it from you guys.” Then my gaze sharpened on Evan. “And apparently neither did Hunter.”

His face was impassive. “As he should be. I’d be mad as hell if he’d kept something this big from me that involved my own resort.”

I smiled. “I’m really glad you two are talking again.”

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