Page 51 of Memories of You

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“I hardly did either,” Aiden said softly. “And not just because of the tattoos.”

Intricate designs covered Hunter’s upper chest visible in the V of his shirt, and points of more ink reached from his massive upper arms toward his elbows. He’d kept his shirt on during the party, forgoing any swimming. And now that I thought about it, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen him without a shirt.

Hunter just rolled a shoulder uncomfortably. “I’ve been gone a long time. A lot has changed. Getting back to the thefts, all the items stolen have been outside. So it could be one of the landscaping crew, but it could also be damn near anyone.”

“Anything we can do to help?” Aiden offered, and I smiled at his support.

“Keep your eyes open,” Hunter said, staring at me. “If you notice anything that seems off, let me know. Or if anything else goes missing.”

“Of course,” I said.

Aiden leaned back in his chair, the soft light catching the thoughtful furrow in his brow. “Do you suspect someone is stealing for financial gain, or are we talking about someone with a grudge?”

“It could be either,” I chimed in. “We’ve got staff who’ve been here for years, no blips on their records. Then there’s lots of new hires. And of course, the obvious. Ben.”

“But you’ve said none of the resort employees raise any red flags,” Aiden said as he put his fork down on his empty plate.

I shook my head. “Nothing glaring.”

“There often isn’t,” Hunter replied, folding his arms across his chest. “And the items that have been stolen aren’t expensive, big-ticket items, so I doubt we’re dealing with a pro. But it’s still pretty concerning.”

Aiden reached across the table to cover my hand with his. His touch sent a ripple of warmth up my arm. “I really don’t like the idea of you confronting anyone else about this.”

“I’m not a fainting maiden, dammit,” I muttered but couldn’t help soaking in the comfort of his concern. All the while, I was aware of Hunter’s silent observation. Their eyes met briefly, and I caught the micro-exchange—a nod so subtle I almost missed it.

“I agree one hundred percent,” Hunter added, acknowledging Aiden’s comment. There was respect there, and I got a sense that Aiden had passed a silent test.

I knew two brick walls when confronted with them. “All right. I’ll back off Ben. But I’m going to keep an eye on things.” I turned to my brother. “Do you have a plan if anything else turns up missing?”

“I’m hoping nothing else will,” Hunter said, rubbing a hand over his short, neat beard. “Since the last theft, I’ve been thinking about baiting a trap of some sort.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“I’m not sure yet. I need to think about it some more.”

“I’m glad to have your help in this, Hunter. And to have you back.” My words hung between us, charged with an unspoken acknowledgment of the bond that still tethered us.

“Of course. It’s what I do.” Hunter offered me a brief smile before pushing back his chair. “I should get going. I got in my boss’s face, and he gave me a shitty assignment as a result. I start at oh-four-hundred tomorrow. Asshole.”

“Yuck,” I said. “I could never do that. I won’t have been asleep long.”

I stood so we could embrace. Goodbye for now. Then he was gone, his tall frame disappearing into the growing shadows.

Aiden tossed his napkin on his plate. “You look very happy about how today went. I’m sorry I missed it.”

I smiled and reached for his hand, interlacing our fingers. “I was almost afraid to breathe at times. It wasn’t like old times, but they’re really making progress.” I looked at the canopy above our heads. “Thank God Evan met Liv. She’s made such a huge difference for him.”

He lifted my hand to brush a kiss over the back of it. “Kind of like the difference you’ve made for me. We’ve still got several hours of daylight left. Want to head back to the boat?”

I laughed, imagining life aboard Aiden’s cherished vessel. “Your boat is nice, but how can you live in such a confined space all the time?”

“Cramped?” Aiden grinned and leaned close. “I never even notice when you’re around.”

“Smooth talker.” Warmth bloomed in my chest at his words.

“Of course,” he added with a mock-serious tone. “I have to tread carefully. If I step out of line, your hulking brother might rip me apart.”

I laughed, knowing full well the fierce protectiveness my brother wielded like a shield. And I still glimpsed the man he kept deep within, the sweet, shy one. The one I’d been afraid was gone forever when he’d gotten out of the Marines. “Hunter is a man of contradictions. But it sounds like he’s got bigger fish to fry right now.”

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