Page 49 of Memories of You

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Just as I was getting ready to come downstairs, he’d called, apologizing that he wouldn’t be able to make it. I’d felt a pang of regret, though a tiny part of me I didn’t want to acknowledge had been relieved. Introducing him to my entire family was a big step, and one I wasn’t entirely on board with. My focus needed to be solely on my family today, not worrying about how Aiden blended into the mix.

April exchanged her frown for her trademark smile. “It’s okay. I understand. The life of a doctor is never dull, huh?”

“Emergencies come with the territory.” I smiled, but yet again, my eyes wandered to the pair standing on the other side of the pool. The pair we were all pointedly trying not to watch. Hunter and Evan both had pleasant expressions on their faces as they stood talking, and neither looked like they were about to push the other into the water. The four of us sitting together had been craning our necks subtly, curiosity piqued by the brothers’ interaction. Liv perched on the edge of her seat as she tried not to inspect Evan’s every move.

“Looks like Hunter and Evan are getting along.” Gabe’s voice was even, but I knew him well enough to hear the hope in it.

“No signs of fireworks, anyway,” I said.

Across the pool, Evan nodded and something unspoken passed between the two men before he turned and padded our way. His muscular chest was bare and he wore swim trunks, fully embracing the theme. His limp hardly noticeable today, and his eyes were fixed on Liv. But as he neared, I stood from my seat and wrapped my arms around him.

He returned my hug, laughing. “What’s that for?”

At his laugh, the tension I’d been carrying dissolved. I’d been so nervous about this get-together at the scene of the crime, so to speak, that I’d completed a six-mile run earlier at the fastest pace I could maintain. But nothing could blunt the edge of my nerves like the smile on Evan’s face. He’d been through so much. I tightened my hold on him. “For being both an amazing man and an amazing brother. Thank you for trying to mend things with Hunter. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.”

As he sat, Liv looked down and brushed a tear from her cheek. Smiling, Evan placed a hand on her thigh and squeezed. “I can’t promise we’re going to be close again, but I think we can tolerate each other.” His gaze drifted back to Hunter, whose towering form was headed toward the other cluster of family. He wore a button-down shirt and shorts, all black as usual, and moved with incredible grace for such a large man. Evan shook his head. “I still can’t believe that guy is Hunter. He told me he’s had most of those tattoos for years.”

Gabe was staring at Evan, his face giving nothing away. But I had to wonder if his thoughts were similar to mine. Namely, that for the first time in over a decade, maybe Evan was seeing Hunter as a human being instead of the ghost who haunted him.


The so-called party itself had been a carefully orchestrated affair, designed to be as unassuming as possible—a far cry from Gabe and April’s wedding reception, which had ended in disaster because of Evan and Hunter. Mostly Evan. The water shimmered with the reflection of the sun, and Hailey laughed as she tossed a beach ball our way. Gabe moved instantly, intercepting it with his foot and then launching it back to his daughter with a grin. Gabe and April both wore swimsuits but were enjoying a reprieve from the water. Catching the ball, Hailey giggled, and the musical sound floated across the area. I’d stayed out of the water today, instead wearing a pretty sundress and wore my hair in a ponytail.

Evan grasped Liv’s hand and lifted it. “Come on, sweetness. I’ll buy you a beer.”

“How can I refuse an offer like that?” With a laugh, she rose, and they slipped their arms around each other as they ambled toward the long white cooler that sat next to the house.

As Hunter crossed the flagstone patio, he caught my gaze, and the corner of his mouth lifted in the barest of smiles. I smiled back, my entire chest filling with warmth at the scene around me. He paused to talk with Dad, Nona, Maia, and Wyatt. Wyatt bounced baby Skye in his arms as she stared at the shimmering pool fixedly. As Hunter and Maia embraced, her face lit up in a wide smile, the kind that only come from rekindling a lost connection. I’d seen the expression on my own face once or twice lately. A resort staff member weaved through the clusters of loungers and tables, collecting empty plates and crumpled napkins from the delicious lunch I’d had nothing to do with for once.

“Stella, you’re quiet today,” April noted.

“Am I?” I responded absentmindedly, my eyes still on Hunter. “Just taking it all in, I guess.”

“Is it weird, seeing him here again after so long?” she prodded gently.

“Yeah. Weird and a little tense.” I fiddled with the rim of my glass. “I’ve visited him plenty in South Beach, but it’s important to have him back. This is his home too.”

Gabe reached over to rub between April’s shoulders, and she leaned into his touch as a long look passed between them. It made me smile. “Well,” he said, turning back to me. “It’s definitely more interesting when the Markham brothers are together. Hopefully in a good way this time.”

“We couldn’t ask for more than how today has gone,” April added.

“Yeah. I wonder what they talked about.” I watched as Hunter smiled slightly at something Wyatt said, his broad shoulders relaxing slightly. He’d become so solemn, guarded. Hopefully reconnecting with Evan would start the healing for Hunter, who needed it just as much as Evan did. He was just better at hiding his emotions.

I allowed myself to imagine what it might be like to have Hunter around more often—to share in these simple pleasures without the weight of the past looming over us. As the laughter from the pool area mingled with the distant sound of waves, Hunter slipped away from the group and headed toward the path leading down the bluff. His gait had that familiar purposeful stride, a man on a mission. I excused myself from the table, leaving Gabe and April to their newly wedded bliss.

“Hey,” I called out softly as I caught up to him.

Hunter turned, raising both brows.

“Looks like things are going pretty well today, huh?” I gestured back toward the party.

“It’s been all right.” His gaze scanned the pool deck. “No bloodshed anyway.”

“I saw you and Evan talking earlier. How did that go?”

“Yeah, it was… still awkward, but we had a civil conversation.” He rubbed the back of his neck and swept his gaze down the hill to the south. “I want to walk around the property, get some impressions about the thefts before I head home.”

“Already leaving?” Disappointment laced through my words before I could rein it in.

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