Page 26 of Kiss Me Quick!

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Wil led them over to the small sound mixing desk set a few feet back from the stage. There was a roped-off area around it, the entrance guarded by a large, no-nonsense-looking man. As they drew closer, the man’s stern countenance morphed into a bright smile, and his stance relaxed.

“Wil! I hoped to see you tonight. Cal said you were in town.”

“Hey, Sarge. Couldn’t miss out on this one.” He turned to Ben, who was looking bemused at yet another person Wil seemed to know. “Ben, this is Sarge. He’s head of security for Cartwright Music Management, and also Cal’s cousin. Sarge, this is my boyfriend, Ben Martinez.”

“Hey, Ben. Good to meet you.” Sarge flicked his gaze back to Wil. “You want in?” he asked, nodding to the roped-off area.

“If we can. If not, we’ll move over to the side.”

“Nah. You’re good. Come on through.” Sarge moved a section of the rope aside, letting Wil and Ben through. He accepted their thanks with a nod, his gaze hardening as someone behind them pushed forward, trying to sneak in.

“Come on,” Wil said to Ben. “There’s a spot just to the side of the mixing desk that gives the best view and sound.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to get Sarge into trouble if we’re not supposed to be here.”

Wil pulled Ben into his arms, relishing the way the smaller man fit against him seamlessly. He leaned down and nuzzled the curls tucked behind Ben’s ear, feeling the shiver that went through him. “One perk of being part of the crew,” he whispered.

Ben’s arms snaked around Wil’s neck as he stretched up to meet Wil’s mouth in a slow kiss. Wil returned it, taking in the taste and scent he was coming to crave. Before he could lose himself in Ben, the lights dimmed, and the DJ faded the music out. A loud cheer rose from the crowd, and Wil, with great reluctance, pulled away.

Turning Ben in his arms so his back was flush against Wil’s chest, he wrapped his arms around him and rested his chin on Ben’s shoulder as the DJ introduced Eclipse.

The lights came up, and Wil felt a swell of pride at the sight of his friends standing on the stage, ready to play their new album.

At a nod from Taylor, their drummer counted in the beat, and they enthusiastically launched into the song that had just been released and was soaring up the charts. The crowd sang along and danced to the catchy beat. He and Ben had little room for dancing, Wil’s hands resting on Ben’s hips as they snaked in time. He held back from pressing himself closer. The last thing he needed was to have to deal with a boner in the middle of a crowded club. A crowd that also included his parents, adopted family, and future boss.

Ben did not help matters as he tossed a knowing grin over his shoulder and shimmied his ass back to brush against Wil’s groin.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he growled in Ben’s ear, making his boyfriend laugh.

“No,” Ben shouted back. “Just upping the anticipation for when we get home.”

Wil pressed a kiss to the sweaty nape of Ben’s neck and pushed him an arm’s length away. “Stay over there, you tease.”

Taylor’s voice came over the microphone.

“Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to come and help us celebrate the launch of our second studio album. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for fans like yourselves and, of course, our amazing management team. Thank you, Miles, for signing us and to Liam for mentoring us and guiding us along the crazy road that is the music industry.”

Cheers and applause greeted his words. Wil watched as Taylor scanned the crowd, a grin breaking out on his face when he spotted Wil by the sound desk. “This next song was one of the first we wrote and completed when we got into the studio. I think a couple of our fans here tonight are going to really love it.”

He winked at Wil. “This one’s for you, Ben and Wil. It’s called I Dare You.”

Wil looked at Ben, who was looking equal parts pleased and embarrassed by being called out by the band. They listened as Taylor started singing; the melody swirling around them. It was a little slower than some of their other songs but still had a fast enough beat to dance to.

When they reached the chorus, Taylor staring pointedly at Wil and Ben.

I dare you to try,

When I kiss you and mean it,

I dare you to stay,

And see where this goes.

I dare you to love me,

For now and always.

Wil pulled Ben into his arms, holding him tight. He’d always known the power of words and song. He felt like Taylor was reaching into his very soul and pulling out every feeling he’d ever had.

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