Page 15 of Kiss Me Quick!

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“Come to LA with you? Why?”

“I have tickets to Eclipse’s album release party, and I thought, seeing as you’re a fan, you might want to come with me.”

“You have tickets. To the Eclipse album release party?” Ben was stunned. “How? I mean, those things are like super exclusive. Did you win them or something?”

Wil dropped his gaze and ran a hand around the back of his neck. “Or something?” he said, making it a question rather than a statement.

“Wil James, if we are going to explore being a couple, we have to be honest with each other.” Honesty was one of Ben’s deal breakers. He hated liars, and he was absolutely certain that Wil wasn’t a liar.

“Okay. Fair, and I agree.” Wil took his hand again and gave him a sincere look. “I don’t share this information with many people, because it’s personal.”

“You can trust me, I promise,” Ben assured him.

“I know I can.” Wil took a deep breath and said, “My father is Kellet James.”

“Okay?” Ben was confused.

“And his husband is Jamie Larke.”

Ben looked at Wil, not sure what Wil was telling him, and then it hit him. His eyes widened, and he gaped at Wil.

“And there it is,” Wil said with a chuckle.

“Your… your step-father is Jamie Larke? Lead singer of Larkspur. And… and your dad is Kellet James. The drummer for Larkspur.”

“Yep,” Wil said, popping the ‘p’.

“Oh, wow!” Ben was gobsmacked, and it took a few moments for him to corral his thoughts. “And that’s how you’ve got tickets to Eclipse’s album party. Through your dads.”

“Sorta kinda,” Wil said. “Eclipse is managed by Miles Cartwright, who also manages Larkspur, and I roadie for both bands during their summer tours, so I know the guys in Eclipse.”

Ben blinked at Wil and then stood up, unable to sit still any longer. He caught a flash of disappointment cross Wil’s face, and he rushed to reassure him.

“It’s okay. I just need to pace for a minute. When I get overloaded with information, I need to move to help process it. Just give me a sec, okay?”

Wil gave him a nod and leaned back on his elbows, knees raised, watching him as he paced back and forth. He took a few calming breaths as the erratic thoughts bounced around his brain.

After a few moments, he dropped in front of Wil, who sat up and rested his arms on his bent knees. Ben shuffled forward, forcing Wil to widen his legs. When he was close enough, he rested his hands on Wil’s chest.

“Thank you for trusting me. I can understand why you’re wary about who you tell.”

“I do trust you,” Wil confirmed, visibly relaxing. “I don’t think you’re the type of person to go telling everyone, and also, I think you like me for who I am rather than who my parents are.”

“I do like you, Wil,” he said before wiggling his eyebrows, “but have you seen how hot the guys from Larkspur are?”

“Gross,” Wil laughed as he pushed Ben away, causing him to topple over. “That’s my parents and my uncles you’re lusting over. Ugh, I think I’m gonna be sick.”

Ben righted himself, still laughing. He slung his arms around Wil’s neck. “I only have eyes for you.”

“Glad to hear it,” Wil murmured as he brought their mouths together.


Wil smoothly stopped his car in front of a set of wrought-iron gates that were gradually opening thanks to the automatic opener attached to the sun visor. He glanced at Ben, who was sitting silently in the passenger seat, his complexion pale, and his hands twitching in his lap.

Wil reached over and stilled the fluttering digits. “Relax. Dad and Pa are looking forward to meeting you. I promise they’re just two normal guys. Nothing to worry about.”

“’Nothing to worry about’, he says,” Ben muttered. “Wil, how many boyfriends have you introduced to your parents?”

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